
I used to be a big fan of his, but I agree. He's not allowed to be "punk rock" when he's starting to turn into a walking Viagra ad. I think he sold out when he had a kid. His shtick is getting old.

Well, he did run out of vetoes recently.

He's off Suburgatory? What's the point of watching the show anymore?

Loved this show. It deserves all the acclaim it gets. HBO only canceled
it because it didn't have enough gratuitous shots of titties and
therefore, not enough viewers.

Wait, no love for Matt Berry? Or did I miss it?

I only gave it a B because of James Adomian and "buttbook."

Agreed, I didn't think it deserved an A. I thought it was one of the worst episodes, partly because I found it really sexist. Yes, it's based on a real life event, but why were there only male comics in the room and no female comics? Why did Maron have to pass around the picture of her vagina? And reading the comments

"Hi Daddy, I'm dying…."

Is it just me or has the Hound been watching some Anthony Bourdain lately with that bit about the pigs feet?

Catelyn had me sobbing (as did the death of Greywind) even though I knew it was coming, even though Catelyn was never one of my favorites since she treated Jon Snow so horribly.

I once yelled "Famous Mortimer!" in Patton Oswalt's face. He was not impressed.

Not enough Hodor, too.

More like Matthew Lillard. Not liking this casting choice.


I wish they had done another Queen of England skit since I think that's the best SNL character Armisen has done since Nuni/Nooni.

My thoughts exactly.

I had Gay Fish stuck in my head the entire time Kanye performed. In fact, I wish I had just put the tv on mute and played the 7 inch I got on Record Store Day. Would have been more honest of a performance.

I actually ran to IMDB to see if it was the same bear from Anchorman, but it wasn't.

Yeah, it's going to be so interesting when he finally turns into a tree.

Agreed. I couldn't really get into their last album, but loved Void!