
You have a very optimistic view of the American — or any nation's come to think of it — justice system as it relates to celebrities.

I think he's trying to say that he doesn't like porn. And you got the nationality right although I consider myself more colonial.


Yeah! Isn't there some seminal SF novel that protested against such future potential horrors? If you don't agree that the movie approves of rape you're worse than that DP on Terminator 4who walked into Bale's line of vision while he was acting.

Why is that ending line so funny? I'm in class here and atmospheric modeling isn't that amusing. Usually.

Here you go! http://tinyurl.com/5hclwf It's more or less an elaboration of what Jubalsearlygrave's take: the movie rewards the creepy social retard with no skillz who has to resort to gettin' on with his comatose girlfriend on the sly.

There was an article (I think it was over at CHUD) where someone posited that Wall-E justified rape. So maybe Pixar should look into a NR DVD release.

@Steve - you're a sweetheart, thanks. Still, I wouldn't get too bothered about Travosky's former AD, he's just a silly ol' troll conversing with his imaginary pal "Belladonna".

@Steve - you're a sweetheart, thanks. Still, I wouldn't get too bothered about Travosky's former AD, he's just a silly ol' troll conversing with his imaginary pal "Belladonna".

'basic human decency'? It's Hollywood. I'm guessing everyone there loves their job to bits if they put up with behaviour like that on a professional basis. I would have either broken down in tears or tried to punch his lights out if an actor spoke to me like that.

*opens fly*

This is already my new ringtone without a doubt.

If one is even remotely familiar with the female reproductive system having one's period more than twice since the new year would probably raise some eyebrows if not suggestions to visit the ER.

Some friends are planning to drag me to see My Bloody Valentine 3 D. Is my douche-dom only one week away? (I can only claim the period excuse so many times.)

I admit it. I'm really your grandfather's boy lover, chained to his fleshlight statue by the computer in the basement.

Aww, come on. One of my roommates plays the accordion and I find it just adorable.

Does it have cherries in it? I'll take it off your hands, if you don't mind.

How did I manage to see Beyonce perform at the Today Show and SNL when those got Hated? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Youtube.

What the hell?
Since when can't Canadian residents watch NBC internet clips? Fuckin' fascists.

Fuckin' Finals
So what kind of excuses can I come up with if any of my final exam dates clash with Coachella? Maybe I can get leprosy…or malaria…for three days.