
@Young Pa - Ugh, don't mention the ticket prices. I'll use my card blindfolded then live on dr. pepper and cup of noodle 'till summer. Hopefully, I won't be too fat by then for the airplane seats.

What the hell. My ice cream doesn't get more dangerous than rocky road (Haagen Dazs quality or better) and Butterfingers are pretty gross, guys.

It does suck especially since it doesn't look like he'll be getting any of it back. I'll definitely be going to see him as I've never heard him live before.

Yeah, my former (Anglican) priest told us that there's lots of Episcopalian (American Anglican) priests molesting little boys all over and they don't get as much media attention.

@Ellie — the cafeteria used to be free but it is no longer! Gotta pay for it now. Personally, I have more of a theoretical thing for those that get recruited by Pixar. Works like pheremones! My theoretical attraction hasn't been tested…yet.

*fans herself* When I was a newbie at boarding school a JW daygirl tried to recruit me. I politely read her Watchtower magazines until one day she asked me to come to her church. I passed. Bitch barely ever spoke to me after that.

I'm not very familiar with it either. The actor who's a teacher now but played Snake on the old series has cancer, though. And there's still a bitch, skinny blonde girl with an eating disorder.

I'm not very familiar with it either. The actor who's a teacher now but played Snake on the old series has cancer, though. And there's still a bitch, skinny blonde girl with an eating disorder.

No one watches the winter Olympics.

No no, I'm the fake Canadian (being an international student)! That's why I forgot the Snake-in-a-mental-hopsital-for-the-rest-of-his-life (apparently?) story line. Deal back on?

Oh, right, also the "super-secretness" of it, hence why Mormons get the cult label too.

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons other religions mock Scientology is because you have to take stupid tests and pay to be a member. That probably contributes to its "cult" status as well.

I'd love to attend the uni where the match club nerds end up at top financial companies. The math nerds here end up at Microsoft and Google.

I'd love to attend the uni where the match club nerds end up at top financial companies. The math nerds here end up at Microsoft and Google.

@mbs - The residents themselves have their own movies :p. Not all homeless folks are drunken hobos carrying on their persons all their worldly possessions. One woman had to get a moving truck to bring all her things over from the apt. from which she was evicted.

This is how you identify fake Canadians.

"Make your sunday" bar? Where is this shelter, the Beverley Hills? We're lucky if we get starbursts with the snacks — and that's for the residents!

"Make your sunday" bar? Where is this shelter, the Beverley Hills? We're lucky if we get starbursts with the snacks — and that's for the residents!

Aha! I thought so. (Hoped so.) There was that crazy shit about brides requiring their bridal party to get group botox or group boob jobs. That one blew my mind.

@downhighway61 - No, that sounds more like one of those daytime soaps. General Hospital? The other one?