
You're welcome, everyone! I hope that riveting piece made your day a good one.

NYT article on broke banker's GFS
I have not even read this Ms Hater but from the title alone I sense another stupid NYT article worth ripping into: http://tinyurl.com/It-s-the…

I'm pretty sure ol' school Degrassi covered the same thing up here in the Big White North. I'll never forget when that kid went to a concert, took some acid, and immediately fell off a bridge. Permanent brain cripple that one. One kid got date-raped and then became a teenage mother. And the adopted, near-sighted rebel

@Veacoche - in that case check out the fiction selections at Soft Skull and Akashic. From Soft Skull I can already suggest…Derek McCormack. Cool Canadian author who writes about everything from abusive, psycho gay vampires to interesting anecdotal books on Canadian culture.

I volunteer at a homeless shelter
and saw the second half of this movie. I didn't even know it existed until then. It's pretty much the place where I'm exposed to low calibre movies but every now again someone falls asleep in the tv lounge and I get to change the channel to TCM and see "Harold and Maude". So it

Clearly, I have not lived long enough since I have no peeing-in-public-while-drunk stories. I look at you all with suitable awe.

I lived in Jamaica for some years and really loved the chicken foot soup they had there and also chicken foot curry, pig's tail and pig's foot (not curried). None of them ever looked like that foul thing Chang had to digest.

*yawn*I fucking hate morning classes, I swear to god.

Hmmm, you do make him sound more interesting and I'm encouraged by the fact that "Good Omens" left you similarly unimpressed. (I never finished it either.)

Oh! I forgot to acknowledge the Philip Roth remark. I do intend to get to him eventually since he filled the last of my "old white revered male Jewish-American" authors slot in the reading list. I already have "Sabbath's Theater".

I haven't read him yet myself but almost everyone who likes his work usually mentions the Rabbit books as his best, "Rabbit, Run" being the starting point.

You're welcome, Charlie!

(Ok, I just wrote a long schpiel about why Dubus is my God and it better show up soon or I'll tear my hear out.)

Veacoche, I figured as much, I just went along with a superficial interpretation so that I could express my undying love Homer and stick one to Bob Dylan. I've had similar experiences eg. finding Borges via Murakami Haruki and Ronald Firbank via Alan Hollinghurst. Like I said, I just like to balance reading the living

@Unrepentant — You would tempt me if I weren't a black person trapped inside a pale, freckled shell. Also, you're not dead yet.

What about Andre Dubus? I consider him to be one of THE best American writers of the previous century and certainly an unparalleled short story writer but it's always his son and that damn "House of Sand/Fog/Whogivesafuck" that's being covered. A damn travesty. If it weren't for Godine he'd probably be out-of-print.

Passos - Name sounds familiar

Who hates Pixar? I'll kill 'em.

@Jorge - Ethan Hawke? I suppose I would rather screw his dead body than read his book/s. (Ethan Hawke? I can't…you're making me tear up.)

This is why I heart your online presence.