
I can't even come up with a song by jason Mraz/James Blunt/Jack Johnson off the top of my head and I'm in Starbucks at least once a week (for the attached bookstore).

@Zack - The friend isn't a fantasy reader so I didn't take his word for it. That said Pratchett never sounded appetizing me because all I ever heard to recommend him was that "He's HILARIOUS, woo!" Which is great, I like a laugh, but there are about a gazillion books I want to read, many of which promise to be

@SS - Nahhh, I bet Updike never gave a shit either way.

Christ, I'm an airhead. However, learning that Hitler played guitar makes him seem more accessible. Someone should tell his PR.

God damn it. Another author I'll have to get posthumously. (I hate it when that happens.)

Aren't we supposed to reluctantly like him…
…because he plays guitar? Not that I really get guitar but…yeah.

Hmm. I like stylists but I do enjoy authors who don't produce remarkable prose. I remember why I hesitate about Gaiman. I tried "Good Omens" and it was very hit and miss: some parts were enjoyable others had a smug, self-satisfied, not-half-as-amazing-as-it-thinks-it-is humour. A friend suggested that the smug bits

Eating food that isn't obnoxiously smelly in university classes doesn't seem like a big deal to me but for high school or lower? I can't imagine anyone at my old boarding school even thinking about bringing water to class. What's the point when we have breaks throughout the day plus assigned meal times PLUS water

Oh! And M.T. Anderson but there's some disagreement on whether he's true blue YA.

I read quite a bit of YA and tend to enjoy it but I'm sure I read much much less than you. As far as fantasy goes I will try a YA before I go to the regular section. The only realism YA authors I've tried (and enjoyed) are John Green and Frank Portman.

Hey Mr. Vimanarama Man, you're one of those comic books I plan to read one day. I'll probably even get to you before I read anything by Gaiman! But you'll have to wait until I read all the Alan Moore stuff.

Someone stole my friends panties last week. That was pretty gross. And they weren't even a parting gift from a Jeopardy appearance.

@Yuumsh - you know you're right, I've always dreamed of being that—-

*Licks her white moosetracks ice cream in a waffle cone*

I don't want to sign up and you can't make me. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME.

You've convinced me! Luckily, it's still showing here. I'm starting to feel that twitch that I get when I haven't seen a new film in theatre for a while. And then maybe I'll see Gran Torino because it's the first Clint Eastwood film that's stoked my interest since…"Mystic River". (That happened because Sean Penn's

None of this season's crop of "prestige pics" look appetizing. I *might* pay to see "Rachel Getting Married".

@Gringo: I have more free time than you and, I'm guessing, more leisure money if the occasional DVD purchase takes such a bite out of your budget. As far as I know there is no Netflix in Canada.

@wsvon: Damn mathematics. It is the bane of my existence.