
@OhthePossibilities: I appreciate the concern and sage advice. I've already done the rental thing, plus watched them all online thing so I'm fairly certain I'd like to actually own them. And I don't buy DVDs fairly often so I can justify the splurge.

@ummmm: Miyazaki anime is likely the only kind that will ever get near an Oscar so whatever else gets released probably won't matter. Especially since I'm sure the film has to get American distribution soon enough for it to qualify.

What if one can't pick a favourite film because one has too many? Does the formula then explode?

Thanks for reminding to me to get the originals on DVD.

I used up all my obsessive 'Will this be as good as the book?" energy on LOTR. I read "Watchmen" after seeing the trailer and thought it was quite an excellent text, not what I expected from a comic book — may I point out how happy I am to see people using that instead of "graphic novel" — and definitely up there as

@ba, no offence taken because it's more or less true. SPF is my religion.

@wsvon, I lived there for almost a decade so I was allowed. You'd be surprised how many tourists do that though. When I took some friends back there a couple years ago two of them seemed to be deathly afraid of anything local and more or less stuck to KFC/BK when we wandered from hotel grounds.

Thanks to TIVO and my willingness to wait for DVD releases and/or its swift appearance on the internet I have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm relieved to finally have the opportunity to complain about North American Burger King burgers: they taste like shit and look worse. The BK burgers in Jamaica are

Awwww. Strap-ons aren't fun? We need some bisexuals/lesbians to give testimony.

Awwww. Strap-ons aren't fun? We need some bisexuals/lesbians to give testimony.

Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite movies and I love R+J as well although it's always assumed, because of my sex, that I had/have Leo-mania. That said there are very very very few directors for whom I'll rush out to see anything regardless of quality and Australia looks like a laborious bore. Bring back the crazy!

You have no idea. Even on the family/kids channels (at least in Canada) pretty much every animated show is done in the cheapest, ugliest, most godawful CGI you've ever seen. I saw the "new" Care Bears series (owned by American Greetings? WTF) and the little boy watched it calmly but the animation creeped me out.

@Clueless N, I'm convinced it's a ghetto for Pixar because there was and still isn't enough great (American) animated films in any given year to justify the category's creation. Even restricting the number to three in any year that Pixar doesn't have a film and there isn't a "Persepolis" to save the day, the slots are

@Jaygee, that…sounds a bit desperate. Why not just rifle through her sex toys drawer when she's out?

I keep on forgetting that "Australia" is out and I'm a Luhrman fan. I'll maybe catch it when it's out on HBO or something.

Tilda is in Benjamin Button too. I'm fine with TDK not getting it because it wasn't magnificent or even amazing just good in some parts. For once (well, second time), I'd be enthused to see an Eastwood film get a big picture nom and they skip it for "The Reader"?? I didn't even know that anyone liked that film which

I first heard that on the Billy Elliot soundtrack. Good times.

And more campy campy Lesbian Gay band leaders! Some of those floats/costumes were fucking weird and I assumed that my lack of American-ness was at fault. For example: why were the USO folks in a Disney Princess coach float complete with fake white horses? Who were the crazy ladies dressed up in pastel liberty bells?

This is the magic of the Obama presidency at work my friend. Before he got elected it was lots of Of European descents and the next day, BAM! Lots of strange looking folks claiming Caribbean and African heritage. Most are pretty friendly so I think they get to stay.

I'm afraid to post now :(. Somehow such things seemed less obnoxious when we didn't have avs up. Now it's just annoying seeing "me" that often.