
edked, we're hopelessly at odds and will never see eye to eye since I've stated explicitly that I didn't jump on ANYONE merely because they "spoke up" for a band. I already admitted that I misinterpreted Aqualad's comment and that was resolved in a far less messier manner than this line of conversation from you and

This is a stupid argument. Anyway…

@Aqualad - Like I admitted the point I chose to dig you on was arguably unfair (although you should get over the idea that there are only Americans on the internet). The main issue, really, was your obnoxious position on a band in a sub-genre that, for most "true" fans, didn't last twenty years proper; and the band

@I'm Evil, Jack - I did post that comment without much forethought but I figured it would piss some people off. Honestly, whenever I have the chance (especially for things like music) I much prefer actually interacting with other live humans so I can get personal recommendations, hear (well in this case read about)

BOMBACLAAT, Nigga :). I moved between Mo' Bay and Kingston (in the Stony Hills). Mostly Mo' Bay. I fuckin' love that place and was THIS close to attending UWI.

@edked - No. I specifically called him on the arrogant way he chose to characterize my ignorance. There are at least three other people in this thread who are/were into the band, were surprised at my ignorance, and chose to be positive and enthusiastic rather than condescending without knowing my age or nationality.

Oh no, my friend. Believe me, those politicians are getting paid to pass laws that screw over the rest of the country. They're getting theirs.

@urtext - Daddy! I need some cash. Shit, can't believe I forgot about the Ramones, I have their stuff too. (For some reason it's easier for me to remember groups for which I own actual physical albums than mp3s which is what all of my Ramones stuff is in.)

@Aqualad - I know this may come as a surprise to you but there's a big world out there beyond the USA/UK and that world isn't necessarily plugged in to every goddamned band that said populations listened to in the 80s.

@Unrepetant - Does it not ring a bell because they weren't pure Aryans? Let me know. I'm trusting you to vet this for me before I google.


Not really. A slight one comes out when I speak to other British persons but otherwise I speak generic North American: Canadians think I'm Canadian, Americans think I'm American. Only Jamaicans pick up on the fact that I lived there (Jamaica) for any length of time. I've been around.

I'm British. What about that do you NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND, sir?

I wonder if McG has anything to say about that?

OK See?
I'm still in Canada and I can watch this. Yes, it's MSNBC but…like…still!


Yeah, I'm still not sure what the hell happened up your way. I can't imagine how demoralizing it will be if after all that hell the contract workers don't get what they want.

Ok, I just realised that he was suggesting another slang for vagina and not, in fact, indulging my inner geek.

Just to make it clear because it's the most important thing going on in this thread right now: I'm British by descent and an honourary Canadian because I attend one of their lovely schools and do not act sheepish when I'm inevitably asked, "I've never heard of that school. Why didn't you go to an American uni like

Very very very good. (Well, venturi metre.) It was a high school experiment that basically tested Bernoulli's theory with liquid and gas in various fittings that convinced me to stick with science. We added different particles (of different sizes in different sized columns and everything!). (Yes. I am lame.)