
Absolutely. I thought Obama should get that anti-witch charm priest that blessed Palin and get him to make a new one for his kids ASAP before whatever hex he put on them starts to work.

A triple post? !@@#$@##$ I quit!

A triple post? !@@#$@##$ I quit!

A triple post? !@@#$@##$ I quit!

*hits you on the back* Want some Halls? I got a whole pile.

*hits you on the back* Want some Halls? I got a whole pile.

*hits you on the back* Want some Halls? I got a whole pile.

It's more about the improved visual design and manipulative features that make it more user-friendly and conversations easier to follow. But the postage stamp selves work too…I especially like how my tiny self looks even more cartoonish than usual.

Oh and "Tecumseh Valley" works just as well.

@Pilgrim, I looked the song up…guilty as charged *bows head in shame*. (I liked it, I dunno if I thought it was great necessarily..umm yeah.)

Ah, we partied downtown last night at a free MLK celebration thing. And we don't even celebrate it in Canada (as far as I know).

Wtf? I do not double post. Anyway, the floats are also hilarious or I am easily amused, not sure wish.

Anyone watching the parade?
Things were sweet but pretty boring until the predominantly African-American high school bands appeared and started playing some lively shit rather than the nice patriotic, Americana stuff. Thank god for hip hop.

Anyone watching the parade?
Things were sweet but pretty boring until the predominantly African-American high school bands appeared and started playing some lively shit rather than the nice patriotic, Americana stuff. Thank god for hip hop.

My favourite:

@poop, I had to google that. I thought it was some kind of mysterious Canadian cuisine. I don't know if they'll let me send that sort of thing across the border.

Wasn't there a Blink 182 song some kid offed himself listening to? Sure, it might suck, but it's effective.

God, you are just too smart for the rest of us.

I love the redesign, btw
Did I ever tell you? I've read this site since I was a teeny bopper but rarely commented a) because I'm not a particularly witty commenter and b) your comment section design sucked balls. So *muah* thanks, now I don't care about boring people's eyes out anymore.

Let's see since I complained about this too although I didn't give as much info as they needed….YES. It WORKS. Thanks, AV Club!