
I like we want our films beautiful not realistic's self-serious douchebaggery comments. I'm not AV Staff, though, so I might not count.

It's a miracle! First black USA President, first black AV Club commenter! Greetings, earthling.

A friend told me that on CNN it said that once it hit noon Obama was officially the president whether or not he'd been sworn in by then. So I'm guessing the oath does not actually hold "Army of Darkness" powers.

Sounds good! I don't know much about him but he's written some pretty dark (and excellent) lyrics so I figured his personal life had to have been pretty "interesting". Thanks :).

@Fred, believe it or not, there's a restaurant which proposes to be just that thing a block away from my present position. Sort of. It boasts Chinese and "Canadian" food on its menu. I've yet to step inside to see what exactly the "Canadian" food is…

Off-topic: How is that Zevon book? I got introduced to his music only a few years before he died but it made me a complete convert. I wouldn't mind reading more about him even though I avoid biographies like the plague.

Yeah, half of my class was watching the inauguration on laptops and there was an occasional murmur when each and every major North American tv stream crapping out at one time or another (and then permanently).

I think they should get that crazy pastor who placed an anti-witch charm for Palin to make one for the Obama kids. Did you hear how Warren pronounced their names in the opening prayer? *shudder* Fucking creepy.

Maybe someone brought some fish and loaves for Obama to lay hands on. That or packed lunches.

@Isaac, may they be ever fresh and willing.

@Powdery, could you send the chocolate ones over here? I only had a fruit explosion muffin and tea for breakfast :/.

@Hoodwink, I wasn't even born here which is why I'm willing to settle for one made in Ontario…

Lunch time!
Time to get a grilled cheese sandwich and poutine….oh…after the speech, forgot about that one.

Oh. And that senate gov site sucks. I want to hear the choir singing (not listening to stupid tv reporters giving pointless commentary) and the volume keeps going on me.

My university has the worst fucking internet connection on the continent. Can't they understand people are trying to watch an inauguration while class is in session? I missed the Obamas walking into the White House for coffee :(.

This is weird. Skincare advice on AVClub.

Actually, a foetus, pardon the typo/s. It's more the fact that already my mother used the televison as a babysitter at such an early stage in her pregnancy that explains why I'm amazing and you should shove blunt razors up your asshole. Or pie hole, no need to be picky ^_^.

*hands flutter* ZMF said hello to me! I'm famous! Err…hello! Do we move to the futon from here or do I have to eat some curry first?

It's an OK movie. Heath Ledger's acting is pretty much the only reason to see it. I thought the first film was hilariously pretentious so clearly Nolan's take on the character isn't the one for me. Am I allowed to dislike it here or do I have to go sit in a corner during break time?

*passes wind delicately*