

I want to marry him. (Maybe. Not really but maybe I'd spend some time on futon so I could drink vodka from his glam skull cup.) *sigh*

I want to marry him. (Maybe. Not really but maybe I'd spend some time on futon so I could drink vodka from his glam skull cup.) *sigh*

Am I the only one here who doesn't know shit about The Simpsons?

And now I feel a little sick after watch that video. *hurl*

How did I miss this?
Finally, my suggestion made it!

My suggestion made it IN. You're welcome.

Shit. I need to start skipping more classes.

Screw the sex pistols
Why haven't you reported on the craziest video known to man yet? I came over here after Gawker expecting to blow earl grey tea out of my nose at the funny commentary, only to see that the AV Club hadn't linked to Tom Cruise's glorious madness yet.

There are hundreds of male hack writers who churn out genre trash every day and I don't see anyone lecturing them (or their readers) on refining themselves in order to save the gender's honour. What a bunch of infantile, intellectually deficient bullshit, sexist bullshit.

There are hundreds of male hack writers who churn out genre trash every day and I don't see anyone lecturing them (or their readers) on refining themselves in order to save the gender's honour. What a bunch of infantile, intellectually deficient bullshit, sexist bullshit.

Oh well
You mean this isn't the new 3D "Lion in Winter", which is supposedly what the film was kinda supposed to be, according to the CHUD interview with Gaiman. I actually watched the trailer after that, and all I could do was laugh and laugh.

Thank you AV Club for not assuming that all of your readers patronise Pitchfork. I sure as fuck don't.

I'm still confused
TB started a programme to feed some bands? Why? Huh?

Sad to say that I expected this. From the time I saw the first teaser trailers it seemed as if the director was more enamoured with winning Best Costume and Set at the Oscars than creating an engaging film. Ugh ugh ugh. My poor Blanchett.

NTM addict
It's odd how the overseas versions of NTM (Australia, Germany, Russia, Netherlands) actually feature girls who…plausibly have a chance at being a "high fashion" top model — rarely are any of the final contestants over 20/21 years — ANTM always has the 25 year old trailer trash rejects. Which is probably why

Whether people enjoy Austen is neither here nor there to me, but I'm hard pressed as to conceive of someone able to miss the satire and sardonic tone. In "Pride & Prejudice" it's evident in, well, the very fucking first line of the book. I'm reading "Emma" now and it's in everything from Austen's depiction of

Precisely what in that sentence is "hipster"? Because he liked another movie more than another one? Because the one that he preferred made less money? Does having an opinion that does not fall squarely into a USA Today demographic make one a hipster these days?

Is it okay?
I hope it's acceptable that I find it hilarious that drama = respectful prestige pic and comedy = moral faux pas to anyone. I suppose it can be forgiven if one has only been exposed to Wayan brothers comedy projects but otherwise…? Not buying it.

Holy shit. Wtf? No band's worth that much.