
Don't like 'em
Their music anyway. I find literary allusions — which seem to be their major appeal, at least from reviews I read — unimpressive. Tried one song and it bored me to death.

My aunt was a die hard soap opera fan and I watched whatever she watched when I was a kid so, yes, I have vague memories of J.R. and that…woman…with the poofed black hair…errr…well yes. Her.

Pearl Earring
That film about the Vermeer painting was excellent as well, but you're right, she hasn't been in a notable film since those two. (I hated the first Woody Allen film.)

I'm still waiting
For her to act in something as good as Girl with a Pearl Earring, or even Lost in Translation. What happened to that actress? Did Woody Allen suck out all the mojo?

It will continue for that long? How funny would it be if the show got cancelled before then? That's probably too much to hope for.

This movie news also fills me with loathing. I can't wait for the biopic for Marukami Haruki after his death at which it's revealed that cats REALLY spoke to him, and that he once beat Chinese prisoners to death with a bat!

Of course Shippey
He doesn't come to mind if you were born last year or recently reappeared from your underground hovel.

he's plastered all over the media and I'd like him to disappear. Or are you stuck in the quaint days when musicians just peddled their trade and weren't fucking ubiquitous?

Just to beat it into the ground
"spinster |ËspinstÉr| noun, derogatory: an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage." - Oxford American Dictionary

Am I?
Am I the only one these days who sighs and roll their eyes when they read about Samuel L. Jackson in a new movie? What was the last really good film he was in…The Incredibles and then before that…Jackie Brown maybe.

No, please don't
Bob's brain just took a day off, he'll be fine by tomorrow.

What are the chances of getting "stupid spoiled whore" playset?
That South Park episode was incredible.

No FOB or Simpson in my iTunes library
But I do have a couple of Kelly Clarkson's and one from Britney.

Ron Howard?
I'm falling asleep already.

Can we send the next whingy retard who's soooo offended that some A.V. Club blogger didn't come all over his latest favourite box office dreck to star in some bukkake film? (Hint: he won't be the one in the circle.) FFS

Another Seinfeld hater
here. It feels good to come out of the closet.

It's reasonable to acknowledge that the book doesn't deserve to cordoned off into a museum considering the other sort of books with objectionable material that are out and about. Defending the books on the grounds that, "well it's a *nicer* kind of racism,they only get made fun of and are infantilised" is a

Being a racist!

To clarify
I meant this paperbacks book club thing, not the Bond stuff (though I'm sure they're nice).

This is the best series in the world