
A Hot Wheel's Movie?
Wtf is that going to be about? Another Fast & Furious but with sentient cars? A "cooler" version of Pixar's "Cars"?

Why are people so insecure about their tastes that a mild jab at some film they like turns them into hysterical weirdos? Wtf? Are you reading A.V. Club or did I stumble on to E!Online?

After avoiding this interview
For at least a week I decided to give it a try. Then today I acquired "Easy Rider" and "Jacksonville City Nights". Ahh, the power of a great interview.

The Incredibles!
It is amazing. Go see it, go see it, go see it.

"I assume Whitney Houstoun will perform at the grand unveiling, and Bono will accompany said fucked-up cunt for a duet of "The Greatest Love Of All/One" medley, at which point Sidney Poitier will be wheeled out wax poetic on the legacy that is Oprah, and then-in a stunning display of philanthropy-Oprah will give

Vertigo wasn't always in the top ten?
Vertigo used to be in the 60s!? Wtf. And The Godfather above CASABLANCA? Go fuck yourself. There's my erudite commentary for the day. I'm not even going to begin to reason the complete drop of The Third man.

You'll get a PhD
Soren, if you immerse yourself in a country's first language, you'll get a graduate degree and stuff. Just sayin'.

Read much?
I think some of readers who commented would do well to watch some more English speaking television sets themselves as they can't seem to read and comprehend plain English, hence all the "OMG!!! Arnold is not racistsss!!11"

"You" spelt the way it should be
Well, I don't know about it being one of the best since this century has just started, but I like that song.

"Newsflash: Castro is not a nice guy. Cuba does not respect human rights."
I can't wait for that trade embargo against Saudi Arabia. Good times.

Someone's make a film out of VOLTRON? Are you fucking serious? HUH?!

"Another Danny Glover/Mel Gibson cop buddy movie"
Lethal Weapon 1 - 4. You're welcome!

Capt Caveman buys books of solid gold
"You know why people aren't buying books anymore? They're too goddamn expensive."

Fuck Pirates
I want to see "Paprika"! God damn it local indie cinema add it to your schedule.

HBO show
That's weird I thought that the critical reception was one of disappointment, but then I see that she got a Tony nomination.

Worst. comment section. ever
I can't believe that this film was released in theatres. Who the hell watched it? Now I'll have to check boxofficemojo to find out.

Hopefully one can make out that garbled first sentence.

Oh. Thank you!
I thought it was the release date was the 25th for some reason.

I downloaded this album
Before it actually released, and I'm going to buy it from iTunes when it does. That's how much I love it.

I guess no one read the Time Out interview
Otherwise people wouldn't have to be so earnestly trying to figure what Cross was going for in that clip.