
The difference is, at the end of the gross cutaway gag, the two siblings high-fived. McFarland never has fun little moments like that.

The difference is, at the end of the gross cutaway gag, the two siblings high-fived. McFarland never has fun little moments like that.

I am baffled by your mock ignorance. Do people read new Australian poetry anywhere? Or any new poetry anywhere? Why single out America?

I don't even know how to process this. Is "Do You Realize" about Oklahoma?

Yeah, keep interviewing actresses who won't see 50 again. They know it's pretty much over for them, so they don't care about saying who was an asshole or a dick, or some combination of the two.

A phrase that appears a disconcerting number of times
…then I ended up married to him about a month later.

Yeah, awesome RR. This feature is pretty much the best thing on this site, right gang? (Excluding maybe Sir Nathan's MYOF)

Catherine Zeta-Jones, clearly, as that chick who gets killed.

The suicide note might be two pages, but the second page is taken up by a series of endnotes and an index.

I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say a book is "pretentious." It puts on airs it doesn't deserve? Uses a lot of big words? Is difficult to read? Keeps talking about Godard or some shit?

Typo in your post, zxcvb. Should have read:

Speaking of ripping off other shows
I can't believe no one brought up that AD ripped its Trans-fat plot straight from KOTH. Still a good episode, but come on! That's your A story?

Most of the people commenting on AD seem to be criticizing it for its earlier seasons, which were simply awful one-note parodies of Bush and red state America. Now that they've started focusing more on the relationships between characters, especially Stan and Steve, it's pretty reliable and miles ahead of Family Guy.

Hell yeah, Transmetropolitan! I don't know who exactly could play the main man (Patrick Stewart was a joke, right?), so I'm inclined to say just throw the part to Johnny Depp. Why not?

Good call, JS. A question that needs to be asked more often about film adaptation (although Hollywood's answer is always going to be, "To make money, you moron!"). I have the same query about adapting Jimmy Corrigan. I mean, the movie would be way, way worse than the book, right?

My favorite was the stupid one that went:

I only read books and watch movies and listen to music from 1973. It really is the best year ever.

Also, Lovecraft, I know this OJ guy is a big star now, but he's got some problems. Trust me.

We do not want a third trilogy.

"people like Clint Eastwood"? There's only been one Clint Eastwood, ever, especially as far as his late-career work goes. I mean, give Ford some slack. We can't all become even greater Hollywood legends entering our 70s.