
Believable characters
I don't understand all of the hate for Bret Easton Ellis. Maybe it's because I spent my formative years around too many children of privilege in Miami, FL (which is, in many ways, a Caribbean-tinged wannabe Los Angeles) but I've found most of his characters to be realistic and believable, if not

Claremont's not fat, but he is bald(ing) and bearded. And he was wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt when I met him at a convention last year. Which category does he fit into?

1980, tail end of Generation X. I turned 30 last month. So glad not to be a Millennial or Gen Y or whatever they're calling the kids these days—not because I have anything in particular against them, I just always identified more with the snarky irony-loving '70s-born slackers who were a few years ahead of me in

Search & Destroy
Sorry to be a stickler, Noel, but your favorite line listed above is off by one word. It's "Look out honey, 'cuz I'm usin' technology", not "Look out mama, 'cuz I'm usin' technology." Different term of endearment. Still an amazing song.

I loved Sealab 2021 and Frisky Dingo just as much as the next commenter, but the Xtacles spinoff was painful to watch. I'm sorry there won't be any more episodes of FD, but the first two episodes of Archer were already a million times better than those two Xtacles episodes. I'll take this new show over that spinoff

He was great in 2005's ultra-campy "Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical".

@Imagine Nation: Does your tio look like Jim Belushi? 'Cuz I saw the end of this trainwreck last night and I could swear Seagal was slowly morphing into the Belush.

I have nothing substantive to contribute, just wanted to join in the chorus of people requesting that you give this show regular coverage.

Is there any reason they arbitrarily decided to give the Haitian a real name this episode after calling him "The Haitian" throughout the rest of the entire series? There were probably dozens of past instances on the show when somebody was referring to him or speaking directly to him when it would have been so

Oh, you mean the old Same place?

@Level Best As Ever: That's an etymological folk legend that's never been really confirmed. I once had a literature professor claim that Roman soldiers would swear an oath (testify) by placing one hand on their testicles and the other on their sword, but I've never been able to find proof for his assertion. Do a

Hey, did you get that letter from the doctor yet?

Thanks again guys. :)

It's the hardest part of the game. So much of the time you can look at the other contestants and know that all three of you have the answer, but only one of you will ring in at the right second. Way too many times I rang in just before the lights on the side of the game board went on and locked myself out, allowing

Thanks everyone!

The show wranglers actually flat out tell you not to do a Sean Connery impression on the air because Alex Trebek has heard it a million times already. They'll only make an exception if you can do it really well and in an appropriate context.

The Brain Bus is a traveling recruitment event. They have a bunch of Jeopardy staff members go from city to city holding tryouts. I'm from Miami, so I went to one somewhere in Broward county, around Ft. Lauderdale; they'd rented out a ballroom at a horse racing track. You answer a ten question test, then get called

Yeah, they make you sign a nondisclosure agreement. You can watch tomorrow, though.

Awesome timing
Thanks for posting this, Leonard. I went to a Brain Bus event in December 2007, made it into the contestant pool, and was called back to do the show in February of this year. I flew out to Culver City in March to tape the show (they tape three months in advance) and will be a contestant on tomorrow