
"Napoleon was short and spiteful"
That's a joke, right? I thought Napoleon was around 5'7", an average height. People who didn't like him (with good reason) called him short as a slur, basing it on his nickname—which translated to something like "Little Corporal".

@SITHOAAP - Slipping a Foetus reference into a deluge of Beastie Boys lyrics? Impressive.

Defender of the State: Ohio merely spawned Brian Hugh Warner. He didn't transform into Marilyn Manson until Florida got its grubby little hands on him. Most of the early Spooky Kids shows (c. 1990-92) were here in SoFla, particularly Boca Raton and Ft. Lauderdale. And their first gig was at my favorite local dive

Contrary to popular belief "raton" means "mouse", not "rat". People in Boca will be happy to correct you on this one.

Unibroue in Quebec produces some decent beers. I like Trois Pistoles, La Fin du Monde, Maudite, etc. Plus the bottles always have great stories on them, like the one about Satan building a church for a small town after taking the form of a winged horse.

Those darned teenagers…
Younger versions of John Shaft, Alex DeLarge, and Ned "The Head" Ryerson. We've seen all of them in earlier episodes.

Don't forget his brilliant portrayal of the guy who turns into the Wolfman (with nards!) in Monster Squad.

Pullman was Prince Lonestar in Spaceballs.
Paxton murdered people on behalf of god in Frailty.

Northstar, dude.

The crazies in the David Icke brigade are gonna love this
Only they'll claim that the show is either: a) an attempt to discredit their belief that the people in power are already malevolent human/alien-lizard hybrids with shape-changing powers; or b) a valiant effort to tell the truth that will no doubt be squashed by

"But as one who has spent a great deal of time in Britian, they really do only poach the good things….. I'm curious to see how bad they'd screw up Little Britian….."

I'd never heard of this Wild Card book before.