Gypsy Rose Me

Gonna use an oil-based paint
because that wood is pine!

He told me my hobbit was depressed.

I liked it better as the MSt3K masterpiece, Parts: The Clonus Horror. Plus, it has Peter Graves.

ich wolle ein auto mieten?

Why study industrial arts? Because you're bad at math?

Father, would you like some cake? It's got cocaine in it! No wait, what am I on about. I mean raisins.

@ Emperor Jim

@ Emperor Jim

He said "I need about $3.50."

As much as I love the Universal horror movies, the Hammer films hook me in every time. Any of the Dracula movies with both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, if they're on, I'm there.

Thank you Green Billed Magpie! I've been telling everyone that U2 just ripped off Elvis Costello since they started playing that crap song on the radio. It's one thing to steal, it's another to do it poorly.

As much as I hate that man right now, you gotta love that suit.

I never thought I'd actually be proud of something my state did. Of course, Oklahoma City did name an alley after the Lips. I guess it's a step in the right direction.

I like Gypsy describing the show. "And then the moon came out, and it was like Jerry willed it!"

Father Ted is awesome. And before they fixed all the bugs in the name system, I was Mrs. Doyle. But Black Books and Spaced are great too! And with the love that Simon Pegg gets around here, I figured they'd recommend it as a place to start.

See, I feel that way about the Italian films from the 60's.

And I really haven't listened to new Morrissey since Maladjusted, so I may have to give this a listen. And I will second that Maladjusted is better than Kill Uncle.

I've seen Morrissey live twice, and I enjoyed both shows, but I knew what to expect. The show would be short and it would move quickly. And as much as I would love to see the Smiths reunite, I think it would be disappointing. It would shatter the myth. That said, I don't think they'll reunite.

woozle wazzle?

I was gonna mention the Zapp's dill chips too. So good. You can only get them at specialty shops in Oklahoma, though. too bad.