Gypsy Rose Me

My favorite McGuirk moment is when he's talking to the Big Brothers guy. "Now, if we
could take the kid with no eyes and combine him with the kid with one leg, we'd be on
to something." "That would be a pretty good kid."

Class of '97 as well. Good to see we're well represented here.

I think it has something to do with his mysterious travels.

I am frightened every time the Soup shows that clip. sweeeeet potatoooooooo

The only poor people I want to hear about are the people who tend to my pores at the spa.

If Nabin's the wildcard of the group, then I am more than willing to be the useless girl.

When I told the girl I work with that he had died, she asked me "Who's that?" and I had to say "KHAAAAHHHHHNNNNN" and the guy on Fantasy Island. She only knew him from Fantasy Island. Then I felt bad about myself.

Someone's already poached my user name. Weird. Other than that, I can't complain so far. But I will. Oh yes, I will.