
I'm here.

I'm just a fella. A fella who thinks beer should be cold and boots should be dusty. I think 9/11 was bad. And freedom? well I think that's just a little bit better.

We know that he hates money. Or loves it. Or doesn't care about money and hates butts. Or loves them.

This spot is reserved for news regarding my surely upcoming awards and accolades for putting us over the 40,000 hump. Thank you, thank you.

Why did I do it?… I did it for Johnny!!!

I can't count the reasons I should stay…
One by one they all just fade away.


This place is twenty cat turds and a Pixies poster away from being your apartment.

I can't think of anything more frightening than a half-Polish,
half-Arab virgin in his thirties. One way or another, that ends with an

You’re VH1, Robocop 2, Back to the Future 3. You’re
the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds
delicious. I’m the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You’re Jim
Belushi.” — Evil Abed tells Britta she’s mediocre

There's also going to be a game of paintball assassin, with a prize
for last man standing. Or last man in a wheelchair with no paint on him.
-Dean Pelton

Troy: I think I'm failing psychopharmacology.
Britta: Why are you taking that?
Troy: I thought it was a class about crazy farm animals.

Troy: He released Annie's Boobs. Annie's Boobs could be anywhere.
Shirley: We get it! You named your monkey Annie's Boobs.

Pierce: abed, Your social skills aren't exactly streets ahead, know what I mean?
Abed: I don't.
Jeff. you're not alone in this case. Pierce, stop trying to coin the phrase, streets ahead
Pierce: Trying? Coined and minted.

Dean: Do you know who might have stolen a box of hair nets from the kitchen?
Abed: Someone with hair.
Dean: I'm gonna write that down

Knock, Knock. Who's there? Cancer. Oh good, come in. I thought it was Britta.

Jeff: Why do you have a monkey?
Troy: It's an animal that looks like a dude. Why don't I have 10 of them?

If God were edible - not that I'm Catholic - but if it was cool to eat God, he'd be a chicken finger.

Have a family, share your life. That and learning computers are two things you just can't knock out at the end.

Shirley: I was going to sign up for a class to make an online dating
profile, but sailing in the parking lot sounds less pathetic.
Troy: A black person on a sailboat? I gotta see this. I'm in.