
Narnia can honestly say you wouldn't have rolled your window all the way down, too.

Hey, hey, to be fair, that water if fucking cold!

Must have been quite the shit show.

Dukie do ya right.

Because a certain HBO CEO needed an excuse …

Your attempt at humor was a bust. Good one, yeah?

"Hi, do you have a reservation for Cornbread?"

It's okay if you do have something against Lena Dunham. The AV Club is a safe space. [winks confidently]

Good one. In the event you have trouble clearing it, I'd like to nominate Bonnie Raitt - "Something To Talk About" as a backup.

Just curious, if we were to play music supervisor, what song do we want playing in the background when the credits begin to roll on this scene?

"We'll accept that answer." - Alex Trebek

Katie's just kidding, we're already lounging by the pool in LA.

I just made a sick beat, son. Get off me, Taylor Swift.

Your honor, wearing an afro is akin to having thousands of super sensitive antennae all over your head, causing my generally mild mannered, peace loving client — he does like to get high, after all — to experience plaintiff's so-called dancing in the same way any non afro-wearing citizen, such as yourself, might

You're not even the first to think you had a firstie and didn't. Good luck next time though.

Somebody really needs to go through the site and weed out stuff like this.

You so nasty. [giggles]

Glad we're still training people in gorilla warfare. Planet of the Apes is real, y'all!

Hey, that's HIS "that's our word" n-word joke!

"Ugh, 12 Years a Slave. So hard to watch." - Some of my white Aussie friends