
Stunned, saddened and devastated by this news. A brilliant actor who has provided so many great memories for me over the years through his many works. Even when not so great, it often proved a guilty pleasure. I'll no doubt spend the balance of the week if not more binging on his material. RIP and thank you, Mr.

You're to report to the gallows, immediately.

It's not so much an argument as a comment, and maybe you should re-read it. By "handful of black people" I'm referring to the black actors, producers, show runners, execs who actually help make the show, not the general black population living in [insert your city]. In other words, the contributions of a small

[tastes a sample of Gilly's Catastrophic Crunch]

I was probably going to watch this anyway but having a toddler in the house gives me an excuse to watch an obscene amount of it (assuming it's as good as the original).

Too on the nose?

So, basically, he walks away in the end albeit with a few cuts and scrapes. Diminishes the thrill a bit but I'm a sucker for these kinds of movies. They make me feel like, if the circumstances warrant, I may be forced to revert to a scrawny grade school version of myself skilled in the art of exacting justice on

Exactly what I was thinking, esp if he took 2 Aleve with some of that pre-match wine. That's all day pain management. Says so right on the package.

Eco-Drives are great. One was gifted to me 10 years ago. That never need to replace a battery claim is legit.

I know right? they should just stick to dragons, smoke monsters, walking dead warriors and other such things that were actually around back then.

Thank you, Lana. I honestly appreciate the candor and constructive answer. I did not intend to suggest that a suitcase full of cash could equate with justice for these (or any) rape victims, although I understand that many people read it that way, which is regrettable. Rather, my intention was to point out that for

c'mon, gil. Must I really be pro-rape because I'm not so naive as to believe that ALL of R. Kelly's victims took a defeatist attitude toward their case? I'm questioning an assumption from the earlier post. There is a difference.

"They knew they were already defeated." Did you personally hear this from each of them or is this pure speculation on your part? Because I have to tell you, in case you didn't know, a suitcase full of cash is anything but defeat to a struggling family.

Nice one, @Dikachu:disqus. You're a wiz!

They also suck at not telling everyone about the sex they're having, so she can just forget about anything staying on the downlow.

Seriously. Once you hit 21 in this country, you gain entry into a whole new world of vice. Indulging an 18 y/o high schooler's kinks at 23 just seems like a step backwards.

That's why you should have just said, don't get your honey where you make your money. But I guess the no shitting or fucking at work bit does the trick too.

It's funny because it's so fucking hot. And, yeah, kinda gay too.

[blows whistle]

Even when it's one of those leather suits? I'm usually confused when they wear something like that.