
As likely the last guy posting on this here bit, this is bullshit!

Clearly you're not using the most updated Almanac, the one where it says on page 1 that it should no longer be referred to as an Almanac because that just sounds so obviously old as to not be even remotely hip. Every true hipster knows you're not even supposed to refer to its existence, because otherwise you don't

I passed by one of their stores recently. Blew me away because I didn't even know they still had brick and mortar operations. I just imagined going in there would be like installing AOL from a CD today.

I just hope this doesn't feature a young Sofia Vergara with a bangin' body exposing a fair amount of cleavage courtesy of her ample bosom because, man, that's just getting tiresome (for my hand).

I've been on those ferries and I can assure you they're anything but (alt) rock n roll.

So the pitch prob went something like, "Hot alien bones and debones unsuspecting Scots from a shagwagon. We're talking, like, Scarlett Johansson hot here."

Her tongue is pretty long though, now that I take a closer look at it.  Who watches the VMAs anyway?

Oh, how crass.  Amongst elite circles, it is commonly known as "The Shaguar".

No bands? Shameless indeed.

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus You mean the toilet paper supply report?  I already told you, last roll, man.  We're  ALWAYS down to the last roll, last 3 sheets, give or take a sheet.

Forest porn, the original sex-ed.

I don't know.  True Blood kinda set a new precedent with the bloody merkins and all.  It's just really gonna be a tight competition is all I'm saying.

This whole thread it just the bees knees.  No, really it is.

Reminds me of the time when some well-intentioned folks decided it was a good idea to round up a few short buses full of individuals with Down Syndrome and march them through Times Square in the middle of rush hour to protest Ben Stiller's Simple Jack role in Tropic Thunder.  I'm sure you can imagine how well that

Inside Man 2:  The Enema Strikes Back

Mr. McRib, have you ever considered a career in politics?

Why stop there?  Just start her up and ride it all the way back home.  Hell, somebody's gotta live the dream.

I had gotten so used to those little bottles of true blood (aka the Robitussin of Bon Temps) being so accessible, I just assumed someone would rush in and pour a few drops down his throat, and Voila!

Emma:  All work and no Funyons?  What kind of shit is that, grandma?

Well since you put it that way…