
"Meh, what's a few more years to a bunch of dinosaurs anyway?", asked the key grip, just before he was roughly escorted off the set by production security.

Performing Dancing on the Ceiling?  I'm so there.

On that note, I initially read overwrought as overweight.  I'm probably driving the bus to hell but, hey, what else is new?

I presume this will all be going down in Brooklyn?

Animalympics.  It wasn't technically the first but it was the first I can remember going crazy for. Just the best thing ever.

Nobody puts baby in a figure four leg lock.

That was scary as hell for me.  It's hard to imagine that would get a PG rating today.

[agent type in slick suit saunters up]

He was all, like, amazing Ginsu knife my ass!

Have to give it to them on the casting, even for the baby roles.  I mean, it would've been inconsistent to cast a cute baby as the child of a, err, less than average looking mother.  Thanks for keeping it real, HBO.  By which I really mean to say, damn, that baby was ugly.


Ahhh, those were the days…

Pleasure me.  That rhymes with "treasury".  Woo hoo!  Where's my reward?!

All good.  I guess I've become so immune to the barbs and snark on this site, I just assume no ill will is ever intended.  That's probably naive on my part.  Note I didn't deny the idiot part.  In any event, I meant it when I said good lookin out.

I guess that's possible but seeing as how I'm an African-American who often speaks this way with family and friends, it's a bit of a stretch.  Thanks for lookin out though.

Dat's some baby-makin music rite deh, do.  Dat shit is tite!  That is to say, this is an acceptable effort from you, Mr. Graham.  An acceptable effort indeed.  Good day, sir.

I don't know, sounds risky.

Tell me about it.  I've been waiting so long for that flying skateboard from BTTF, seems I'll be too old to walk if and when it ever gets here.

Tom Cruise need to recuse himself already.  I've witnessed a gathering of fervently biased scientologists, and believe you me, it was ugly.  That's why I signed on with HAAO (Humans Against Alien Oppression)!  HAAO!

He'll be fine though.  He just needs to reunite with Tyrion or some other sage dwarf who can guide him in the ways of the force.