Scott Blacula

You prefer your children to be dipped in batter and deep fried. I see. Typical American.

Assless chaps sounds like Orwellian double-speak to me. I mean, they are called "ass-less" when they accentuate and display the ass. They should call them "ass displayers".

I think we need to isolate Mutt Lange and study him so he can't keep using his powers purposes of evil.
Seriously, the guy is a troll.

I think you guys are taking that Beyonce chorus too literally
Sometimes pronouns are just pronouns. "It" in the context of that song doesn't reduce women to "things" or mere objects to be owned. It's just a pithy way to express a sentiment. Also, I don't think "putting a ring on it" is really meant to say "you could

I always insert extra Nazism into Scattergories. And Mystery Date.

Mac and Me? More like delicious MAC-DONALDS and ME (Eating it)!
Every week when I watch Mac & Me (yes. I watch this movie every single week. Shut up), I get a craving for some delicious McDonald's Restaurant food. You know the perfect complement to a satisfying Big Mac and America's Favorite FriesTM? Why it's a tall,

I wanted to imprison a childhood enemy made fun my incestuous ways.

When Bunk asks McNulty if he's gonna finish that crab gut and then proceeds to suck the innards out of the crab, I vomit in my mouth a little. Also puke inducing? The disgusting crab chips they are constantly eating in that show. However, I always want McDonald's whenever Bubbles is seen eating it. And heroin. I

I never heard of the "Illinois Halocaust". Is that the time they kicked the Mormons out?

Other recent films shot in Pittsburgh:

Where's Victoria Jackson? WHERE IS SHE????? She could write some HI-LARIOUS Obama is a Nazi sketches or whatever.

When you beat Super Mario World as Luigi, Princess says "Thank you, Mario". BURN. F that noise, Luigi. Leave that Princess in Bowser's castle.

More like STUPID Mario World
Is anybody with me on Super Mario World being among the worst? It's too easy to rack up lives and there are too many interminable water levels.

Super Mario World 2 is the best 2D platform Mario Bros, probably the best 2D playformer. It had a great balance between previous "get hit once and die" games and today's tedious "start over where you left off" techniques.
Have you guys noticed that there are Shy Guys in SMW2, but Shy Guys are from Super Mario Bros. 2,

I think this awkward situation has stirred something deep within Jim's soul.Look for the new "Jim loves being cuckolded" subplot.

No. Dennis Miller isn't funny because he turned into a hate monger with mean spirited jokes about why people who question the ethical nature of torture should be murdered.
I did think he was pretty funny. "I'm not trying to say the South is stupid. But I went to a screening of Cannonball Run 2 and after the movie the

Smoke Monster? More like Smoke Nice Guy!
I thought it quaint how smokey the shape shifting smoke monster will only travel through established corridors and REFUSES to look down at the ground. Some smoke monsters would use their lack of solid mass or corporeal boundaries to seep through hairline cracks and pinhole

After a particularly spirited night spent with Oprah, Roger Ebert rushed home and immediately started writing down the lyrics to what would become "Brown Sugar". When he realized that he writes about movies for a living, he sold the song to Mick Jagger, who had also — coincidentally— recently had sex with Oprah.

Is Conan O'Brien not doing the Tonight Show anymore? I thought Leno was just filling in for him last night. Did something happen?

One third of women pee themselves?