Scott Blacula

I like to think of "Friends" as a 10 year long failed backdoor pilot for the much more interesting show that lurked beneath the surface - Gunther!
You people are telling me you wouldn't watch Gunther's show? He could move to LA and become a substitute teacher. I don't know. I just know that the exclamation

Yeah. I guess that's the exhaustive list. While it's more common for external circumstances to require a recasting (Charles in Charge), the tone of a show to change (Newhart, Happy Days) or a show to focus on a peripheral character (Family Matters), the scorched earth approach to show retooling is very rare. Makes

And that was turned into a series called "Just the Ten of Us", which aired for three seasons. FAILED backdoor spinoffs, people. Failed.

Cosby Show
I'm surprised you could decipher one backdoor pilot from the probable hundreds that exist. Honestly, that show beyond its first couple years meandered so much and concentrated entire episodes on peripheral characters I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Cosby was always looking for spin-offs.
"Hey, I know.

Little help here
In a similar vein to this list, my wife and I were discusing Saved By the Bell, and the topic of Zack's home life came up. She mentioned seeing his father in an early episode, the ones without Slater or Kelly. I told her that that show was actually called "Good Morning Miss Bliss", that it took place

Good job proving David Simon's point. Market logic has inarguably inflitrated every facet of human life. Adam Smith makes this point boldly in Wealth of Nations, in which he argues for a free market model for Universities and religious institutions. When one argues that something must justify its existence by

Who's on First, the first draft
Abbott: Well, let's see, we have on the bags, Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third…
Costello: That's what I want to find out.
Abbott: I say Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third.
Costello: I am now cunfused. It sounds as if you are asking me the

"I ain't as good as I once Was" has a verse that's blatantly about having a threesome with two anonymous women in a bar. "What Happens Down in Mexico" is about fucking prostitues and hiding that fact from your wife and kids. Country music about as firm a moral ground as the Republican party. For every two songs about

Ding dong, yo..
Ding Dong. Ding Dong, yo. Ding Dong.

Ok, Mr. No-Fun. I bet you are a hit at the cocktail parties. Do you also constantly explain to all the white people you know how *all* white people are racist?
I think someone just used "pimp" in a colloquial manner, better go scold them.

Mandy Moore is astonishingly beautiful. I watched "Because I said So" just because she was in it, looking super hot. When no one is around, I'll listen to that "I Wanna Be With You" song and pretend she's singing it to me.
She also seems like a down to earth, smart person.

Hey, I'm late to this party!
I was born in 1983.

No, um, Mr. Hat. I'm saying it's highly suspicious how nobody will admit to purchasing these very popular albums. (To beat you over the head with this, I'm saying these people are liars.) These people contributed to most horrorific atrocity ever inflicted on human beings and should pay SOME penalty. I'm thinking a

I don't watch Breaking Bad…
… And I'm in the middle of my "Gimme a Break!" DVD box set. So answer me this.
Why is Malcom's Dad literally laundering money in that photo? Does he not understand that it's a metaphor? What does it mean? I dunno, it's something coke dealers do.

I sure could go for some fried dumplings right about now.

On a serious note: how would I, a lowly American, go about making some poutine? Is it just cottage cheese and brown gravy, or are there special cheese curds one must purchase?

Fear Factory was not analogous to Korn and Limp Bizkit. Er, Fear Factory circa Demanufacture was not analogous to Korn and Limp Bizkit. I believe Obsolete was released in 1998? They turned into Coal Chamber by that time. Ugh.
By the way, "I was (insert whatever age)" is no excuse for liking Limp Bizkit. The tribunal

Isn't it odd..
Limp Bizkit sold 10 million records, and yet you can't find anyone who bought one. I hated them instantly (granted, it was because they didn't sound like Emperor). But now everyone supposedly hated them and always thought they sucked. Not possible.
I demand those who purchased any Limp Bizkit albums to

I think the term "feminism" needs to be put out to pasture, as it's so encompassing it's become meaningless when used to describe any one thing. Particularly annoying is the tendency to boil feminism down to something innocuous like "freedom to choose", which ends up defining "feminism" as any choice made by a woman

If you could read ancient Greek (which I cannot), you'd know that Hippocrates acutally found the notion of a woman going crazy due to her dried up uterus to be hillarious.