Scott Blacula

Cylon vs. Replicant. WHO YA GOT?!?!

Have fun, gramps. Need some more prune juice while you watch the Price is Right? Hahahahahahaha. I'm saying you're old.

Yeah. I'm not buying the whole "Dinosaur" thing. Why would T-Rex and its kind have such tiny useless arms? Makes no sense. Also, every fucking thing I thought was a dinosaur really isn't. Pterodactyl? Nope. It's a flying bird thing or something. I'll take my theory that so called "dinosaur fossils" are just the

Paradoxical Pop Culture Rules
I refuse to see anything I haven't already seen. Ever. Which has placed me in a LOST-like paradoxical time loop. Odd thing is, I've never seen Lost, since I haven't already seen it. Or did I just blow your mind?!?!

Indeed. As much as I would like to respect Oprah and what she has actually done to help women, I think her public endorsement of dangerously narcisstic garbage like "The Secret" and legitimacy and vast forum she gives to anti-scientific harmful claptrap endorsed by Suzanne Sommers and Jenny McCarthy is beyond

The Definitive Guide to Kevin Smith's ouvre:

Yeah. Nerd stuff. Usually not benders and gang bangs. Usually.

Yeah? You don't like the "What's all this about?" "I don't know" format? It works okay.

I called you dumb, and you… you call me dumb? I don't know what to say. That hurts. Maybe you're right. Maybe I am dumb. I'll think about this one for a long…long time. Good day, sir.

Ya ever notice?!….
women are always like "Let's talk about feelings" (which are gay), while men always abducting and torturing hobos?
Women love Dancing with the Stars, while men love heroin.
Women menstruate and give birth, while men are hatched from dinosaur eggs.
Women were given the right to vote in 1920 by the

I would ask her horribly dirty things. Terrible things that provoke the wrath of a just and jealous God. Things too vile and subhuman too be communicated. Also, I would ask her "What's it like working with Chevy Chase? That seems like it would be soooo fun!"

The end of last season. Right. It's been on one half of one season.
P.S. - You're dumb

I don't understand her Adderall addiction on this show
As a diagnosed ADHD'er, I find it odd the behaviors they ascribe to her adderall addiction in high school. She flunked out of class and got it on with dudes while she didn't know who she was? That seems strange. The worst thing adderall ever did to me was make me