
God, I miss that show…

For a psychology class in high school, we convinced the teacher - the cool, said "damn" and "hell" in class, "go get me a soda, and keep the change" teacher - to watch Silence of the Lambs. I brought in the copy of the tape recorded off HBO from my aunt's satellite dish, everyone had to have permission slips signed,

I got a MAD Magazine notification for this!?

It's because we don't make movies for grown-ups anymore. We make them for males aged 15-25 with expendable income.

Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week!

So she's the most realistic female character ever portrayed in the history of fiction?

Oh to be a fly on that wall…

Actually, there's a scene in Devil's Rejects that legitimately scares the shit out of me - when Mrs. Zombie and the long-haired psycho force their way into the hotel room of the traveling country singers. The way they just mess with the singers, there's a palpable tension there because it seems entirely too plausible

I love that movie. Anytime someone asks for creepy movie recommendations, it's the first one that comes to mind.

Event Horizon got to a lot of people. It's one of those weird films that isn't all that great, yet I'm drawn to it and have to watch it every couple of years.

True, atmospheric films require the proper environment. Watch it in the middle of the afternoon on a sunny Tuesday in July, and, yeah, it's not going to do much for you. But gather some of your friends in late October where there's just a nip of autumn in the air, turn out all the lights, and it can work.

Check out "The Changeling" starring George C. Scott (not the Angelina Jolie one of the same name). Some genuinely creepy moments and no gore. Plus, George C. Scott; bitches love George C. Scott.

I loved Spider-Ham when I was 10, so I'd be happy to see it become a TV show. Make it happen, Joss!

Every time I see the cover art, I think it's a Welcome to Night Vale spin-off show…

We love Charlie and Lola in our house, the books and the cartoon. When our 6-year-old was younger, we also liked Kipper for its minimalist artistic style and its calm, almost serene atmosphere. For a long time, our non-Brit kiddo was calling cookies biscuits and flashlights torches.

That pretty much made my day.

Animaniacs, too

*pushes up horn-rimmed glasses* Actually, that's exactly how flashlights got their name.  Early batteries were shit and the light would only work in brief spurts before it had to be "rested" to recharge.  

He was drunk and obnoxious and nearly ruined the SDCC episode more than once.  It was obvious that Hardwick and Smith were doing their best to keep him on topic and shut the hell up about Bargain Goddamn Hunters.

I liked it when the producer of a major news network and her underling were having a conversation about Africa while the producer works out in her sweaty sports bra, doing pec deck flies so we can all check out the goods.