
I think a humvee hit the spikes, but then they just stopped and shot the shit out of everything with the mounted .50 cal. So it didn't really accomplish anything initially, but it was one vehicle I remember seeing left behind.

Chandler Riggs' best episode of the series so far. And I've honestly hated the shit out of him the entire time.

Just to help you feel a little better, there has been a Leonard review of Let's:

I loved it. Especially the moment when Abed immediately recognizes an exploitable trope:

Well at least he opened my eyes to two new stereotypes.

Ah! A fellow Gadfly!

I think he's appropriate for Todd Packer.

That's a great idea, which makes this episode even worse.

@avclub-748f8363abf28251e79f4faededfcceb:disqus @avclub-1e9033c2bd98b39139ed45ee8734fed3:disqus 
Second season, "Halloween".

Cannot un-see this now.

Yeah but all I kept thinking during his lines was

@avclub-c9e3da9f8710cefd2d6ef8629f6a5269:disqus Like an inverse Walking Dead?

My mind folds in on itself when I try to understand the logic of the documentary thing.

*canned laughter*

Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro.

Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro.



Jane Krakowski's crying made me cry. She's too good at that.

That's makes too much sense to be wrong.