
Kimberly's turn made total sense for her character (especially the way you've laid it out), I just really dislike her personality. That's just me projecting, I think.
And I actually was totally anticipating a creep moment in the hotel room. Mostly because I was able to sympathize with Stuart for the first time in a

I love cringe humor, but the last two episodes painted Stuart as far too pathetic. "The Wedding" seems to be turning it around for him…at least half of the stuff that befalls him here didn't stem from just being a total asshole: That kid was asking for it, Kimberly is a vapid jerk, and Jessica totally missed a good

When Coulson said "We need a shortcut", I was expecting the SUV to have the same capabilities. But then they just drove across a field, so…

"UNLESS…..they are trying to make the new switcheroo too obvious…"

I'd definitely be okay with this kicking off a Fitz arc of field agent training. He can replace Skye, who really should be the hacker nerd stuck on the plane instead of sucking at being a human being. I…don't like her.

This episode was a pleasant surprise. But I've been so weary of the repetition that even at the end of "FZZT" I had to second-guess my feelings about it. I've been starting to write this show off as a primetime version of Mutant X.

"It was just farts." —Ward

I don't know how to feel about Ward constantly referencing every cliche in the Action Spy! book. "Upper body strength is important when you're hanging off the side of a building", "When your target is 500 feet away on a rooftop" blah blah.
Is it supposed to be funny that he casually discusses these things with other

I've been gone for several months and did not know that Classic Office is now a thing. This is a thing that I must make it a thing to thing to.

His ex also made a non-appearance in "Back from Vacation". She emailed Toby the topless picture of Jan.

"That is incredibly rude."

The mural bothered me too. I would've liked a quick shot of some random warehouse workers looking agitated.

Two queens on casino night…

Very well said.

"Two lead singers. Name another band that has done that."

Yeah, I caught that but I later figured (as others apparently did) it was just April being April.


"Huge car", then.

Was he the prisoner that let the walkers in? The same one who we heard being eaten but ended up surviving somehow?

I'm just fine with shows subverting audience expectations during the course of a season. It keeps you on your toes, keeps you guessing.