
Best joke from “Digital Estate Planning”: The written contract for Gilbert was the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Ahhhh "The Merger". One of my favorites. 
"I'm a director. Which on a film set is the highest title there is. Do you know anything about film?"
"I know everything about film. I've seen over 240 of them."

All of those but also 
Spader's delivery of "Why is Jim treating the magician poorly?" cracked me up. Absurdity of the question itself + Robert whispering and cocking his head.

Andy did go to anger management back in The Return and came back more mellow in Safety Training. According to the episode commentary, they wanted to keep Ed Helms around, but the character was beyond redemption at that point.

Exactly. When only 2/6 of their series were successful, it's hard to say Marvel had it all together in the 90s. Silver Surfer was actually not bad but I can totally see why it didn't draw an audience.

I actually enjoyed the first season of the Avengers cartoon. I haven't seen any episodes from this season, but they managed to work in fairly serious storylines involving Kang the Conqueror, which is a win for me. They also set pretty clear goals for the characters — Something like 45 villains escape at once from

"…like the Traveling Wilburys of Pain."

booo I wasn't implying he was dumb for doing so. I had been reading Harmon's tweets that night. Just thought it was funny how he was steering people away from Harmon's wrath.


Funny that in the list of people Goldman lists to "harass" about last night's episode, Harmon isn't listed.

"That's not a way out."

Your Voltron analogy wins the day.

In response to one single sentence of your comment:

Michael + Ryan.


I found that kind of disturbing. 
It was beat for beat the same scene from the beginning of "Fun Run" minus Stanley ("What is the matter with you? Why did you have to phrase it that way?").

Would there also be a chocolate cake that never has any lines?

Eh I always just assume that these zombies are something like emaciated PCP users.

I think Oscar assuming Brandon was Jamaican deserves some attention. This much attention should be enough.

Asthma inhaler.