
I felt the same way at the end of this episode. I'm hoping for something interesting to happen BUT I'M AFRAID IT WON'T. For every promising episode there are three or four aimless ones.

I'm not sure if I'm correct on this, but did Wright's character say the events occurred on 2/3/12? Didn't this season begin (within the show's chronology) one year after the S7 finale?

9 episodes after "The Duel" they seemed to put that entire love affair/broken engagement behind them and actually attempted to become friends. 
You know how it goes. :|

"Bobby Newport."

Pretty sure Dwight was being sincere with Andy towards the end. Though I half expected them to reference that one time they were competing for Erin's attention.

Rashida Jones.

I doubt they care. Community's been (lovingly?) mocking Glee since at least S1. Remember Modern Warfare? 
"They say the glee club has lured stragglers into sniper traps with cheery renditions of hit songs.""I mean, I'm all for winning, but let's not resort to cheap ploys!"

He just has trouble emoting/communicating in "normal" ways. The best example is "Introduction to Film" when his first student film is about his parents' divorce. Initially everyone assumes he was just being quirky and weird, but it winds up being a genuine form of expression for him. "Contemporary American Poultry" is

Sorry if someone observed this already. 
Did the Inspector Spacetime special remind anyone else of the Star Wars Holiday Special? From the "Happy TIME Day!" to the holographic rock band performance…just made me wonder.

I have no sources except for DVD extras of S2, but I'm pretty sure they all did their own singing. They discuss it in depth in the interviews about Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas. 
Also, if you've heard Brie's Rosie Perez impression, it's not too far off from how she sang here.

So…this should probably clue Hank in to something weird going on with his partner, right? Belligerent bees that suddenly all died at once?

This was alright. I laughed a few times. I was able (with some effort) to ignore the fact that Dwight…wrote a computer program? Is that right? Whatever. 
But I would have to agree that what stuck out for me was Andy's apparent backwards step as a manager…although he DID choose Pam to go with him to change Dwight's mind.

I'm hoping this spells the end of the Erin/Andy thing. Yeah, Jim and Pam had that tension going on but there were some nice twists on it (Karen, Roy working in the same building, Stamford transfer, art school). 
Andy and Erin like each other and lack the confidence to act and be honest with themselves and each other.

"Soft lips."

"To get through a day, an hour of your life, you have to forget the starving children, the dying freedom fighters, the tortured, tormented, mutilated, and depressed. "

"Happy Hour"

Compare with Jim's prank in "Dwight's Speech".

This episode was careless. And I've been on board with the season so far. Jim wrote an entire book as a prank?
And what's with the super broad cold opens? I can't believe that the cold opens exist in a separate continuity. It's never been the case before.  BUT I was also watching The Carpet before this episode. Bad

B- isn't too bad. Wait, what are you referring to?