
HR Policy?
Didnt Holly get transferred because of an inter-office relationship? But it's somehow okay at the new place? To the point that the receptionist points AJ out as her boyfriend?

"I bet you like at least one of his songs."
So, how many songs did he write again?

… are my favorite part of this show.. that actor's awesome

not so much
Got this one for xmas, and I just sold it back w/o finishing it. I don't like constantly being saved by the princess, or the changes they made to the combat (you used to be able to use all various buttons/triggers to execute some cool moves/actions - now you just hit X every once in awhile).

i like this show
its good!

we'll all meet back here to discuss. not hanging with those losers in the movie review thread!

This weeks' pic
Doesnt it look like Don's gonna break out in song, w/ the chorus line gathered all around?

let me be the …
one to say it: that was a hot shovin' match!

Son of Judge?
Did the younger guy in Betty's horse-riding class remind anyone else of Judge Reinhold? I swear, he must be his son or something …

First two hours are an awesome movie!!
For me, something about that last 30/45 minutes kinda took the wind out of it though… Heath Ledger was truly creepy/scary/insane as the joker.. and some really incredible action scenes..

Cant wait for new season… and just saw that coming up one of these weekends they're re-running all the first season eps. . .

I'd like to say that every commenter on this thread is very, very fuckable!

first thing I thought of when the privileged guys are covering up the accidental death

An hour later..
you wanna watch it again!

That's 'a boy and his dog', made into a movie with Don Johnson (and I think H.E. has a cameo)

stupid white man
Love this movie - the soundtrack, the deadpan violence, and the absurd comedy throughout. I think it's my favorite Jarmusch movie, which isn't saying much, as I can't get into most of his other stuff (Ghost Dog? eh). This and maybe Night on Earth are ones that I can actually watch more than once.

ha! nicely done . . .

Ahh, I sit corrected, Todd Snyder is originally from Portland.. I've always associated him with TX for some reason (maybe waco moon.) Anyway, his live album is 'near truths and hotel rooms' - and its a good primer for anyone interested in hearing his stuff.

Love that tune! Big mcMurtry fan since 'paint by numbers' - saw him twice last year in Chicago. Also just recently got into a couple of other Texans worth hearing: Todd Snider and Hayes Carll

Ils (Them)
Just watched this french horror nugget last nite.. very creepy and well-done..