
Little House..
anyone remember the episode where Albert(?) eats the sandwich that the local bullies had put a worm in?? I couldnt look at PB&J for months…

My wife and I both read the ruins while on vacation (which incl. visiting some actual mayan ruins) and dug it.. a day after we got back, we went to see the movie. Maybe it's because I see a lot of horror movies (and know how much crap is out there) I didnt think the movie was *that* bad. I kinda went in knowing it

Re: the bronto-stampede.. how do you get a bunch of dinosaurs rampaging through a narrow valley, and none of the people darting 'twixt and 'tween their galloping hooves are harmed… I realize it's a movie about a giant ape, but I couldn't get past that.. there were plenty of cool scenes in the movie as well.. just


AMC *has* been re-running Mad Men, at least the repeats keep showing up on my DVR :)

I Came backward in time . .
to leave this comment.. now , i must stow my double in the attic…

1.5 men
Now they're ripping off one and a half men plot devices??

I just finished the first trade of Tom Strong and am digging it.

This finale's gonna be awesome.. its like J.R. getting shot, roots, and the sasquatch eps of 6$M man all wrapped in one…

M. Ward …
..rocks, that is all

Hmmm.. Levy's still Avon's lawyer isn't he???
risking a double post, but it does really make ya wonder.. avon, getting rid of marlo, and fucking over the POlice who put him in on ice. . using his high-priced lawyer and a notoriously dumb cop.. even got rid of prop joe (and now has access to his connect), whether that


Yes, on Prine.. and Todd Snider! gonna see him next saturday night!

teste.. teste . . 1 2 3(?)