
Agreed… Love all his rants (the posted past/present/future diatribe clip, with Brian, is one of my favorites)

Ha! I can't wait to hear how they made that bass riff sound even more like porn music

I liked 3 and 4 even, they each had something going for them. This winter, will hopefully get to watch all 4 'expanded' versions from the quadrilogy boxed set - I guess Aliens makes a lot more sense with some of the cut scenes re-inserted(?)…

Just saw this pilot and it had the stink of californication all over it - author with writer's block with adorable daughter, separated from mother, and, get this, he's a wisecracking poon-hound. Then, in the pilot, they even had the duplicate scene from early in californication where he uses his writerly observation

Spoilers redacted
So, I just watched the next two eps, and, man, that scene where the _____ runs over ______'s ___? Holy crap that was an exercise in tight editing/direction. There's like 4-5 plot lines coming to a head as they're showing the build-up to the event.

I always dug…
John Buscema's and Ernie Chan's Conan.. (mmmm, Belit)

… a whiff of TNT about it..
which could prove explosive!

apropos of nothing…
.. I just realized that Doc Cochran is B-B-Billy from Cuckoo's nest.. I'll be danged


"Sick man outside! SICK MAN OUTSIDE!"

I was thinking more of a Michael Ian Black kinda thing goin on…

Huh, I was getting more of a Gurdjieff vibe, but maybe that's the cell-phone in my pocket - wot!?

Killed him, fucked him and ate him! - Dead man

I finally read this and have to add: I pictured Fred Thompson as the Judge, almost from the beginning - not sure why. (Law and order == Judge? big, tall, ugly M*F*R?)

taint: cool, thanks…

Bucky: I had to look that up again to make sure I hadn't imagined it - from 1996, season 21. ep 02.

Check out his live album 'Near Truths And Hotel Rooms' - I got into him for the funny patter and stayed for the tunes.

well done!

Jesus' misguded/inspirational disciple
"But wait Jesus, there's more!"

eh? the sense, you no makea it!