
Fleeing Dick; Don's homosexuality
I thought it was interesting in the Betty-Don dialogue how they go out of their way to make the stupid comeback "you changed your name" just to allow her to say "I took your name". Then a few minutes later Betty puts a certain dull emphasis on "You took HIS name" when she learns the

Fleeing Dick; Don's homosexuality
I thought it was interesting in the Betty-Don dialogue how they go out of their way to make the stupid comeback "you changed your name" just to allow her to say "I took your name". Then a few minutes later Betty puts a certain dull emphasis on "You took HIS name" when she learns the

Muderous Moppets' Machine
What the penis were they riding?!? And was Tom (or was it the other one) controlling it with a flute?!?

Its a quasi-ignorant violence. He thinks males are genetically driven to get off, which is why they can be "subconsciously" swayed to become gay. That suggests that homosexual activity is a psychological abberation, which is kind of ridiculous.

For those few people who don't know what "horizontal" means, is "parallel to the earth" easier to understand? Sorry, that just struck me as an amusing parenthetical =)

I will admit to a lack of grammatical clarity on that front!

Subjects are not declarations - they are meant to indicate the topic of what your text will be.

Smart-ass?? I was merely ASKING about length played, given that I saw no mention of the very common theme amongst every other review, that the gameplay and comedic quality really trail off the longer it goes on (Ok, so I had a provocative title, but that was just to try and get a response to the honest question I

AVClub plays its games for like 3 hours
Every single gaming review I've seen have praised the hell out of the beginning of Brutal Legend, only to say that it completely loses any soul/interestingness after the start of the game (and the whole thing is only 7-8 hours long, anemic for a modern video game). I'm sure it

Boo Henry
One thing that made Dexter's self-revelation much better this week was that it was done in the victim confessional format - which has always been compelling, and MC Hall always acts the hell out of - as opposed to being woodenly insisted by Dexter to his "father" (aka, his darkest impulses, the dynamic of

Small error in the review
Frank said that "SHE" (meaning Artemis) is all bummed out because of something he did with the onions to himself.

I'm just saying that the business is constructed to perform differently gendered tasks. The creative part of a business is typically sheltered by account managers who insulate the creative types from the demands of the clients. Draper's desire to operate without this sheltering process exhibits a faith that the power

30 Rock isn't dying
It is just giving its life force to Community, its clear spiritual successor.

Gender and Accounts vs. Creative
The dual client problems occurring in this episode coincide directly with the increasing feminization of Sterling-Cooper. Typically clients are wined and dined, given false promises, kept out of the important work. But at the same time as the once rigid power structure is becoming

Reality vs Documentaries vs Fiction
Noel contends that reality TV shows still serve to illuminate aspects of human character despite their contrived-ness. Maybe that is so, but what exactly is this education, and is it ever anything that goes beyond what one already knows, or could learn better via speaking to

Jamiroquai are not has beens!! Their most recent album was by far their best!

The real problem
It is true that very vapid people exist who think they are living an aesthetic lifestyle, but are insufferably empty of any real perspective on things.

Response to Tasha
"instead, we get that weird little peek into an underpinning philosophy that, as Noel points out, is problematic."

Noel, I think you're misreading what's going on in Incredibles (although I haven't seen Rat yet).

Kev Connoly
To me the dip in quality ever since the "glory" days of season 2 is mostly attributable to the writers completely losing track of Kevin Connoly's character. It used to be interesting to see how E took on the evil Hollywood forces using completely unHollywood friendship, common sense, and honesty. But then