
If you're trying to increase your intelligence, and you do so by buying a Nintendo DS game…you've already lost.

I read the title of this feature and thought to myself "now there's inevitably going to be a movie in mocked in this article that you secretly kind of like, and then you'll feel shame." And then I read the list….nope! Hate all of those. Go me!

disgusting thoughts
never did I think the day would come when I could watch Tina Majorino and Tripplehorn on screen at the same time and be sexually attracted to them both! But thanks to Big Love….

Is this the first time we've seen a random rules with zero AVC commentary or questions?

You get WAY more spyware and system-hogging programs from legally downloaded programs, even ones you pay for, than you ever would .mp3 or .avi files, which you can't typically get viruses from anyways. Downloading media files doesn't cause most viruses/spyware stuff. Programs, and people who don't know

So you're against all Jim Jarmusch movies, I take it? Most of his movies were funded by the French government. I'm too lazy to compile a large list, but a HUGE number of really quality foreign films are funded in part or whole by governments.

Re: Why people want Noal to download
I don't think it is because it makes them feel less culpable…I think the best analogy is the Seinfeld episode where Jerry's date wouldn't try the apple pie. The pie's right there! Why won't you take it! You're not full…you don't dislike apple pie! It is like "how dare you suggest

I forgot to add
Apple absolutely owes the RIAA millions of dollars. The ipod would never have taken off if not for illegal downloading. (The ipod is one of the worst and overpriced mp3 players out there…but it dominates the market due to Apple's marketing genius)

I have in the area of 4000 albums, and any show I actively follow I try to "collect" every episode of. I haven't purchased music (for myself) since 1994 or so, but I do buy some DVDs - Arrested Development, Venture Bros, Veronica Mars, etc - for the commentary and whatnot. Also I subscribe to HBO,

I LOVE how both of the Flinstones commercials end with the same "wrap" joke.

I think there are some interesting/hilarious things in there, but I agree that Leibowitz is absolutely ridiculous here.

good call, DaveG
FreeDarko is the truth.

On the profit off of this
Wouldn't theatres start using this to allow people to order popcorn and concessions from their seats? Movie theatres lose money if they don't do well on concession sales, so wouldn't they see a big uptick in profits if they can get lazy folks to order cokes and popcorn and whatnot from their

Running on Ecstasy
He came up with that move at the Boston show I was at. It is ok.

The Key to this article
Is its incredibly apt usage of the comparative situations in the Shield and Sopranos to really highlight the unique characteristics of both. The real problem, Bryson, is that you need to see every episode of the Shield! Sopranos has really lost its hold over me; I still appreciate the well

Yes, the "let's stop the blackmailing hackz0rs" was one of the least-good episodes that I can think of (also it is the kind of show that, especially in the first season, is utterly pointless unless you start off from the beginning).

JMac = genius
I've always struggled with how we can try to help people who were bereft of education enough to find Larry the Cable Guy funny. Unfortunately, stridently mocking them just props up the myth that high-minded intellectuals (aka, anyone who doesn't go out of their way to hate reason and thinking) are out to

Zach and others re: registration
To repeat myself….registration here still exists.

Comments and Registration
YGG et al - You can still register, to avoid name thievery, as you put it. No one commenting can use a registered name unless they're logged in as it.

I don't see this infectious snarkiness that you're talking about, eljefe. Looking at the 200+ comments for the latest post of Amelie's, I see long discussions of Kierkegaard and other Christian intellectuals…not much bad.