
Welcome…to THE ROCK
I agree that The Rock is sublimely enjoyable. Hell, the DVD menu alone kept us entertained for about 30 minutes once (of course, we were so stoned that just hearing Sean Connery's thundering line of "Welcome…to The Rock" was so funny that we were giggling until the menu restarted and it played

I'm going to use my near-firstness to rant about something random:

Platnium Blue
I can't wait for people to try letting computers tweak and design music almost on their own to try to conform to the "hit clusters" or whatever. Then we'll get to experience what the audio equivalent of the "uncanny valley" problem is…and I am relatively certain that there is one.

Entourage had me for a little while…
Back in late S1/early S2 when E was an interesting character. But the show really lost its focus on his dynamic, and it very quickly became an eminently dismissable show.

I liked that Beyonce video more than I expected…mainly because of the Robert Palmer references. God those pasty white braless women were hot.

Beat me to it…I thought Where's Your Head At was an absolute lock the instant I saw the headline. Too obvious, maybe.

I PETA the fool
PETA was being dumb here, no doubt. Their intentions aren't bad, but to choose Rove's feeble attempt at humor as a time to take things literally is pretty retarded.

On the '08 GOP Nominees
It seems to me like people aren't really that concerned about the Republican candidates for President - in particular, I am worried about how many seem to think that McCain would be a relatively benign President. While he might a slight improvement in economic, environmental and social areas…I

There was no contradiction. Ricky said that pop stars should be free to come out - he didn't include ex-pop stars in that category. You can bet sent a nasty email to Lance Bass.

(forgive/delete the above comment - I thought I wasn't logged in, and hate realizing that only after I've written a ton, only to lose that text)

I'd propose
Aphex Twin's Bucephalus Bouncing Ball!!

Bad distinction lover
Sorry Steve, but you're operating on a piss-poor notion of aesthetics here. To be a music lover means to argue about music trivia? Please! You're right that most people do not listen with great passion, of course, but you're taking a limited cultural phenomenon (the bonding over obscure indie

sleepy R.E.M.
I'm too young for REM to have consciously meant a great deal to me, but everything that was happening in the 90s was tremendously affected by them. That being said, I don't think any non-nosgaltia-driven listening to their old stuff is going to produce any new fans. They are super important historically,

I don't really think Stewart could do it - he's not zany enough. Colbert makes sense though, once he's tired of the Colbert Report.

When I'm playing Final Fantasy and I hit an enemy for 666 damage, or I only have 666 hit points left…..I get CHILLS.

Braff v. Cook
I don't understand the whole "rah rah, the Hater should/should not be writing about this subject" debate, but I do have to chime in on her comparison -

A few thoughts…
As a global comment - fantastic conversation. One of the best things about these crosstalks is the sense in which questions get considered thorougly and in a long dialogue over time (such as this being spawned by a prior blog post, etc.), which really isn't something that you see happening anywhere

curse of keon
While your joke is somewhat amusing, and without necessarily ragging on you, I do think that the dismissing of TV shows as being not-masculine is not a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I detest Gray's Anatomy with all of my being, but I do so because it is hyper-vapidness which gets mistaken for meaningful

I have to give a shoutout to my namesake show. Although Parker Lewis and The State are both objectively more DVD worthy.

or vice versa, whater -