
The fatal flaw of Damages is the awful awful way they integrate flash-forwards. Good idea: giving us hints of what is to come that makes us try to imagine how we could get from point A to crazy scenario they're teasing B. Bad idea: running the same clip with 2 seconds added onto it every fucking episode. It completely

OH NO, Its some cops, and….a construction worker!

No Decisions, Todd
Lost is on Tuesday nights this season.

Very pleasant, but yeah, second least funny episode thus far. Still great, but if we're grading on a curve (and it seems that we do around here), then it is a B.

I'm glad you're not a writer for the show, Feigenbaum.

Puzzlequest never cheated
That was a myth. The game was too easy anyways, so I dunno where people got that from. The enemy would do stupid, dead-end moves much more often than they would luck into combos.

Wikipedia Sounds
How does Brian Wilson not have his own wikipedia page?!? Someone fix this.

It is clear how this episode was written…
The writers came up with the idea of a "Slap Bet" board game, and wrote an episode around it. That's the only excuse for the Chris Elliot plot.

Genius indeed
But didn't Jerry say "No-con!" when pointing at Larry? I thought that was slightly funnier than "no icon", so I hope so.

Eliezar -

Uh….how was the Bowl of the Winds useless?? I mean, any component of the story is only as "useful" as how good the story is, but if you're talking about how that advanced the overarching plot, here's how:

Yeah, "love of the world" is a fair assessment. It just gets my back up when people say he was just stalling to sell more books.

Jordan was what? :)

Disagree with lots of the respondants
One of the reasons I love WOT over almost all other epic fantasy is because Jordan got so involved in the world that he began writing FOR the plot, rather than shaping the plot to fit literary convenience. It made for way more detail and characters than people seem to want from a

As a former debater…
What the hell kind of format was that? Like parli debate, but decided by points?

No, My Name Is Earl definitely does not beat out any of these shows. Even Undeclared, and Undeclared doesn't belong.

I would assign these shows a slightly different numerical order!! SHEESH!

Chapelle show is not a talk show
It is a sketch comedy show. There's a difference. It should be competing with Mr. Show, not this bunch.

It isn't a "separate" game per se
To dedicated RB players, this is just a big track pack. Fun if you want to play through it once on Lego mode to get the trophies and see all the silly videos and whatnot, but really you're just going to export the songs to add them to your 1000 song + library.

Best line
"You know, I take the stairs 2 at a time. I never even consider taking them the normal way".