
Marie's amazing. As annoying as her stealing was, the way she stood by Hank during his rehabilitation, and how great she's shown this season, she's great.

haha yeah because if there's anyone that's had it bad in the past thousand years its men. Such heroes for putting up with name calling…

I liked this show so much that I burned it through on Sunday, but man was the season finale a nosedive, and season 2 is notably worse. Such a shame

It doesn't seem like it so far. Based on the show, the solicitor angle in combination with all of this seems to create a lot of conflicts of interest. Why couldn't the solicitor just argue the case since they're the ones who prepared it? It was just painful when the pupils started doing cases, looked completely inept,

I'm confused, so these lawyers are passed on cases they have to learn in a day, and they'll often have to go against each other in the same firm, or "chambers", which can be both prosecution and defense?

This would be awesome if true. Apparently Cranston has become the go to bald villain actor.




I'm sorry @avclub-0c9de7fbac44fdcea080c61e55772199:disqus but I think you're last post was very terribly argued

Least favorite part, as he and Duke arranged it minutes before a lunar eclipse.

Where was there redemption? Ethan MAYBE for appearing somewhat sympathetic, but they're both vicious murderes who've killed without real remorse or change of their actions.

I agree on Melissa and Allison, but Lydia's power is literally to call other people to save her really loudly. She seemed more awkwardly shoehorned into the proceedings into this finale

Eh, I'm always on the lookout for a new good fantasy show, and I'd put Teen Wolf on par with Grimm actually. If you thought Silas Weir Mitchell was a breakout character, wait till you see Dylan O'brien.

Saw it, was pretty disappointed. C

I don't know what just happened, but it was pretty terrible. I probably shouldn't be looking too close at something like this, but what does any of this mean? This episode/most of the season was a series of incomprehensible plot twists. Is it trying to say something about the hideous torture and study of undesirable


Sounds like an old fashioned case of space madness

inner city team workshops will do wonders. Never underestimate the effectiveness of trust-fall exercises.

I'm really convinced that this is going to become another Chic-fila fiasco, and Ender's game is going to break records