
You have such an annoying laugh. What is so goddamn funny that makes you make that sound. My god woman, you sound like an overweight whale with throat cancer. Everybody hates you!

Sorkin and Moffat hate all women!

"Sure honey. Whatever you say"

In the near future it looks like it will stay as crappy movies. And yet once again the final action set piece will involve something attacking Earth with zero resistance. It's almost tradition at this point.

Can they maybe give one of the hordes of unemployed Creative Writing majors a chance?

I'm really glad she's in here, her character's in the top of the list for most capable mom in a Supernatural series. And I'm surprised to say this, but Teen Wolf has turned out to be the more enjoyable show.

Yeah for an English teacher she seems to have very little command of the English language.

Oh Stiles is definitely the Penny. Hopefully there are some glass doors somewhere in Beacon Hills he can run into.

So does that mean Peter's the Dave in this show? Will we get a character arc of Peter discovering his Navajo heritage? Make it happen Teen wolf

So at which point is the AV club changing its name to "Breaking Bad and some other shit we care less about"

Pretty fun outing tonight. Teen Wolf does good bottle episodes. I laughed way too hard at Peter's, "Exactly how strong?" Cut to him walking out of the room with the adrenaline shot sticking out of his chest. And kudos to mama mccall with the save and the one liner, very cool.

They're doing it to protect their viewers. If they show women being sexually fulfilled without a man, and not be punished for it, heart attacks will plague america, and their collective last rattling breath will shout out, "Obama's America!"

WTF indeed. I've been saying that about Thor for years, which is why the sequel's going to bother the crap out of me, since it seems to revolve around that ill defined relationship

Agreed about Sloan. Her breaking journalistic integrity to try and save as many Japanese citizens as possible was actually pretty damn compelling

The answer to third paragraph is Glee

And less sexy

A classmate checked out a book from the library for a class, and on the back cover, written in old ink was the timeless phrase,

Were there auditions or did they just pick from a list?

Sure we do that now, but Americans cede that power to a select group of other Americans. And whose actions are controlled by (at least its supposed to be) Americans we've chosen, not strangers of a different species with an unknowable strategy, conscience, and goals.

I totally think Karen's innocent, and I would have loved to see her still on the show by harnessing her. What I meant to say is that the one angle I liked about that scene that I thought Hal would fight with Maggie about executing Karen, where it seemed obvious Maggie gunned her down ruthlessly for personal reasons.