
keep it up @avclub-e1b39c7fa22304c2ee8919ac378c3d42:disqus you're doing god's work

Here's the thing… the UK is like 51% female. That sort of stacks the deck to begin with… oh wait.

3. Tired, repetitive plot lines that hinge on "timey-wimey" as a plot device

True, but as an alumn I still love to hear the references.

So the last twenty minutes of this made it a C- episode, immediately starting when Volm's commander said how unique humans were for not wanting to be in reservations. It was all terrible dialogue from then.

I don't know, you're not allowed to have weapons, with the promise that they'll do their best to protect you. You'd have to trust that they would do that, and still be successful fighting the war. I mean it would be horrifying to be in Brazil and see the radiation net appear again and not being able to do anything

Amazing how quick Jessica's character arc was destroyed in two episodes. From person trying to do good and help her surrogate father, to guilt-ridden murderer struggling to find meaning and redemption, to "If I died right now I'd be the happiest vampire ever"


I still don't get the timeline. Wasn't the Warlow in the fairy flashback that killed the parents and blasted by Claudine all bearded and scary, while the other flashback of him talking to the parents over owning Sookie a clean-shaven and well dressed Warlow?

I'd be good with a Bill/Eric odd couple show, with Lafayette as the weary bartender.

"I wonder where my grandfather that swore to kill the guy trying to own me, and hasn't been around for days, get off to? Probably not important"

this was like the end of last season all over again, when the evil authority took over but was easily defanged by the human general. What the hell was their plan? Did they think that the TB company wouldn't notice they weren't bottling their own product? And her driver was still right outside!

Every scene with Sookie was killing me. There was no hurry in any of her scenes, as if she didn't know that her friends were being held and most likely tortured in a death camp. The Sam scene was just the most ridiculous piece of self-centeredness.

"Carbon monoxide poising. The silent killer'

stay tuned as next season of True Blood involves the home-pregnancy test lobby funding were and shifter extinction. Tagline: "Why not?"

something something racist joke

Every line out of her was utterly painful. TB's characterization for uber medieval catholic seems to be possessiveness and will make you beg for premarital sex. Also what the hell is her accent?

Whoa there @avclub-7d7c6bd4c7fa42d65cdcea5d1015a8d8:disqus the world would be a shade darker without Jeniffer Aniston

get a new social circle immediately

wtf is castle lol