Jam is good stuff. It's almost like he picked his pop culture highlights of the year.
Jam is good stuff. It's almost like he picked his pop culture highlights of the year.
Could you elaborate a little? I'm curious about the gender politics of a comedian I sort of don't like on a hunch.
Could you elaborate a little? I'm curious about the gender politics of a comedian I sort of don't like on a hunch.
That flame out was also really compelling in how much that dumb kid who won't be named ate it.
That flame out was also really compelling in how much that dumb kid who won't be named ate it.
Yeah, it had never crossed my mind that people like him make millions of dollars.
Yeah, it had never crossed my mind that people like him make millions of dollars.
Listen to Farmer in the City. If you don't like those vocals then it's pretty hopeless.
Listen to Farmer in the City. If you don't like those vocals then it's pretty hopeless.
This is really great Noel. These Gateways often leave me wanting more, and Scott Walker is a pretty unruly artist to fit into something like this, but I think you nailed it.
This is really great Noel. These Gateways often leave me wanting more, and Scott Walker is a pretty unruly artist to fit into something like this, but I think you nailed it.
Are you referring to anything other than the 4 Nite Flights songs?
Are you referring to anything other than the 4 Nite Flights songs?
I get kind of sick of all the peanut butter smeared on flesh in the Stooges stuff.
I get kind of sick of all the peanut butter smeared on flesh in the Stooges stuff.
What a nerd. I only watch Sonic Youth porn.
What a nerd. I only watch Sonic Youth porn.
The correct plural is Bats man.
The correct plural is Bats man.
I like Badlands a lot more than all the other Malick movies. I think that's partly because the dialogue and voice over is so insanely dumb, that I kind of read it as intentionally parodying the way people talk just to talk with no real interest in meaning. In the other Malick movies I don't get that same…