
I like Badlands a lot more than all the other Malick movies.  I think that's partly because the dialogue and voice over is so insanely dumb, that I kind of read it as intentionally parodying the way people talk just to talk with no real interest in meaning.  In the other Malick movies I don't get that same

This is actually kind of perfect.

This is actually kind of perfect.

Great message board recap of your live tweeting.  I'll take a screen shot and email it to all my pals who couldn't catch it in its other awful forms.

Great message board recap of your live tweeting.  I'll take a screen shot and email it to all my pals who couldn't catch it in its other awful forms.

That's fine too!

That's fine too!

The Sixth Sandman Collection Collects Tales of Grasping Mac Tonight and a Questing Werewolf.

The Sixth Sandman Collection Collects Tales of Grasping Mac Tonight and a Questing Werewolf.

Ironic liking is a concept that I find really frustrating.  I think it's often more of an accusation than it is a reality.  Think of people who don't like a band claiming that fans are just pretending to like it.  It happens all the time with something like Animal Collective.  I think everyone kind of feels that way

Ironic liking is a concept that I find really frustrating.  I think it's often more of an accusation than it is a reality.  Think of people who don't like a band claiming that fans are just pretending to like it.  It happens all the time with something like Animal Collective.  I think everyone kind of feels that way

There's something hard to articulate that makes me really like this movie.  I think it has to do with the intricacies of that romantic comedy trope of two really different people who kind of hate each other realizing they actually are perfect for each other.  In a lesser film the thing separating them and then the

There's something hard to articulate that makes me really like this movie.  I think it has to do with the intricacies of that romantic comedy trope of two really different people who kind of hate each other realizing they actually are perfect for each other.  In a lesser film the thing separating them and then the

1.  There probably is.
2.  No there shouldn't.

1.  There probably is.
2.  No there shouldn't.



I don't get it.  This seems too good to be true.  How does he cram in his shitty voices?  Is there one of those things they put inside greeting cards that does a Walken when you open it?

I don't get it.  This seems too good to be true.  How does he cram in his shitty voices?  Is there one of those things they put inside greeting cards that does a Walken when you open it?

I listened to it and it drove me nuts.  I think she's hilarious in every other context I've seen/heard her, but she and Pete seem to bring the worst out in each other.  No insight, no good jokes, just all new age garbage.