
for murdering sick people she deserves at least being banished from prison in my book.

Yeah, because not killing the zombie who ripped Dale apart few hours later taught them nothing.

I guess the gubna will join Negan, if the writers have any sense left in their heads.

Herschel is a doctor who wants to treat viral infection with antibiotics, so you know, not a big loss.

it was rather totally stupid. She should know there are two dozen zombies near the fence and after so many time with them, she should realize when at least ONE zombie from the group spots you, it's time to GTFO because the others soon follow.

rick specificaly asked "did you kill them" and she answered "yes".

God damn this show is stupid. Last week the walkers nearly took down the walls of the prison and now there's entirely new heard up their walls and NOONE is killing them. "No, Carl, you don't have to kill that zombie". - Yes you FUCKING HAVE TO unless you want to be overrun again.

but the writers have absolutely no idea what to do with their own characters. The scene with dana on praying mat was great, her suicide attempt was ok, but that fucking teenage love story…

they would find something interesting for her character then.

Why on EARTH they keep doing that Dana stuff in this show…

we all know she wanted the minotaur D.

and for a pretty bad episode. I don't mean story wise or plot wise, but the freaking camera work is atrocious. It feels like some film student playing with equipement. Every single shot in this episode is either made from a dutch angle or through some very badly picked lens.

oh god, you guys are serious.

exactly. The reviewers comes with the "no fun allowed" approach beforehead. I am pretty sure he has most of the review ready in his head before watching the episode.

This show deserves a good reviewer. It's unfair that a festival of stupidity called Sleepy Hollow gets grades so high :P

We need to change the reviewer for that one. This one definitely doesn't get the show.

But they didn't need to lock the doors completely, just you know, CLOSE them? it would take the zombie some time before opening them.

they had to kill the pigs anyway, because they were the source of disease, it seems.

seriously, all of you people… maybe find yourselves another hobby, if sitting on your ass for 90 minutes is too much for your attention span.

seriously, just stop watching and go watch some 15 minutes shows on Cartoon Network if you can't sit on your ass for 90 mins.