
"Civilization started in Africa!"

and when I was telling you guys last week this show is silly unintentional racist, you were telling me to gtfo.

animals don't turn into zombies in this reality.

I wonder if that's some kind of mental illness, yelling at the screen. My grandma has Alzheimer's, and she's doing it too.

yeah. i wasn't expecting the bomb, but it was an obvious set-up, I don't know why noone saw that coming.

in case you didn't notice, it was the same pen Jax forced one of the Irish to write down the address. This is how he recognized it. Not by the shamrocks.

If 60 mins is too long for you, how about watching some cartoons on CN?

People really bitch about episodes having extra footage? WOW…

are your parents proud to have a retard like you in the family?

Fuck you, Glee… I cried like a baby.

I probably will calm down after the 2nd episode. I like AHS anyway, and there are no other shows like that.

apart for one, they are all dead. I was talking about 60% ALIVE African-Americans ;-)

But I guess you want to see only shows where one group has a "hegemony" over other groups, instead just treating every group as equals.

This is what some of you don't understand. Equality never means discriminating both groups. I've read somewhere that objectifying men in AHS is a "win" for feminists, because women are often objectified in media.

Oh, about that. From what I know, there are 60% African-American population in New Orleans, and there still is only one black character in this show. Bravo, Ryan!

could we have at least one male warlock? Pretty please? :(

That's true. And I really hope they will resurrect Evan Peters soon, because that's the only male character so far I could relate to in any way.

My point and your head are miles away.

It's because he ruins everything he's making. I hate Glee now as well. Why? Because he uses so many shortcuts.

Why? I loved the first 2 seasons. And I loved the first few seasons of Glee.