
she has the boobies though.

yeah, because that shit matters in zombie apocalypse.

liking politicians would be something new…

I'm not a huge fan of this show.

Wait, did I hear that right? Did Flint just say the treasure is worth 5 million DOLLARS? What year is it supposed to be?

I can hardly see through my sunglasses too! :P And as I've said, those pirate sunglasses look anachronistic anyway, but it's not impossible to have dark coloured glass during that period.

I've read somewhere that they did invent the tinted glasses for judges so noone could see their eye expressions during the trial.

please consider changing your job. It's not the first time you have a very big problem comprehending stuff that isn't even that hard to understand.

not true. tinted glasses were used by judges in China in 13th century. They were seen in europe as well.

I cmpletely disagree with the reviewers. The episodes order is fucked up. suddenly relations between Kennex and DRN are cold again, suddenly he has a drug problem which was mentioned in the first episode and disappeared completely, week ago there was a mention of a fucking wall around the city that noone cared to

paople are watching winter olympics in USA? Even in Europe hardly anybody is watching them and we actually have winter sports tradition.

Well, this episode has hit the series lowest ratings since the pilot and it probably isn't going to get better…

I miss the dollhouse building Terry too. I'm sure we will have more of him in next episodes. You can't have all the awesome at once in 20 minutes!

This show is so amazing. It has the ability to turn any cliche sitcom plot into something new and refreshing.

yeah, but it's Romero, not Kirkman.

someone minused me so I have to clarify - I find it really offensive that Kirkman thinks a black woman would only seek romantic companions among other african americans and doesn't ever even think about being in a relationship with anyone outside her skin tone.

they probably didn't like pudding

I know that. But it wouldn't happen instantenously after you cut them off. It's stupid. And somehow severed heads remaing gawking and moaning even though they can't even move.

she banged the Black Tiger overlord and that black guy who Rick first met after waking up from a coma. Yeah, really.

Zombies are Newton's fluid but in reverse. When you press them hard they are soft like a goo, when you touch them softly they are hard as steel