
It would be more believable if they haven't told us the dome came down only 10 FUCKING DAYS AGO…

the dome played with the clock, are you too blind to see?

Next summer my ass. Even hate-watching has its limits.

the skull is indestructible, it's obvious.

Very nice pilot, will watch again.

The best part of this episode was that Walt KNEW the cops are in his house and he said all that shit only to make Skyler an innocent victim that he forced her to keep her mouth shut.

her ass is the only good quality of the show left, leave her ass alone! (for me)

actually, she's kinda great, because she could follow the kids in the police car on the empty street unnoticed.

These ratings are from parallel universe. Boardwalk Empire got B+ also.

the dome probably can tell if the hand is alive or not. I know, I'm making shit up, but that would make some sense.

You say Linda is incompetent, I say those fucking kids are even more. Linda followed them in a POLICE CAR, when nobody else is driving a car these days, and they haven't noticed they were followed.

This reminds me of White Collar, where one character got shot in the center of the chest (the bullet just missed the heart). He was on the wheelchair for one episode, and then he was like nothing ever happened.

The Killing was never as bad as Under the dome is. Not even remotely close. The closest one show in quality is The Following.

I'm more astonished by other things. The dome came down 9 days ago and people were starving and some people were dying because insulin shortage, and people were fighting for water and gasoline.

Wait, did that bitch just say it's been 9 DAYS SINCE THE DOME CAME DOWN?

Masuka should be captain. He's the only one in Miami Metro who suspected the boyfriend.

I cringed on the aging app, but I thought "ok, it's Dexter…" but when he compared the poorly rendered aged image with a real photo and it gave 97% match I fucking dropped my beer.

I wish there was a Dexter's voiceover while fucking Hannah

Yeah, I know, I'm just amazed how shitty are the tastes of some reviewers.

he just said that, but that wasn't true. he really wanted to screw his father.