
At the same time, the phenomenal premiere of Hell on Wheels got B-

The only good thing about this show lately was seeing naked Jaime's ass almost every episode. Now even that's gone.

if you're shouting to the television, you may have some problems.

it's the only example in television's history when the actor playing in the scene has seen LESS boobs than the viewers.

So, his house is going to be burnt down?

so the cow is the whore?

Worst piece of shit in the history of television. It's below F level of shit.

Where is ghost Harry anyway? He just disappeared without a trace, lol.

Dropping a surveilance for a booty. I have no idea why he's not sergant yet.

every time they say "don't touch the dome" you drink twice.

this isn't a mistake imho, for example I can turn off the microphone during the conversation on my side. So they could hear vogel's phone, but vogel couldn't hear theirs.

Every time this fucking show gets more than a D+, one endangered species extincts.

he left Vogel untied because the plot needed Vogel to call Dexter! :D

by the way, I want to buy that phone Vogel was using. She was whispering 5ft away from a phone lying face down and it was still perfectly clear on the Dexter's side. What a great reception.

you don't hang your drapes on a steel and sharp as fuck rails? You have no sense of style!

it's not that hard to digitalize VHS, you know.

what the fuck are you talking about? Kid lied last episode, because he thoguht that might help his father. He told the truth this time, because he knew  lying wasn't going to help at all

you're a real idiot bro. But I kinda used to it. Whenever somebody says something about spoilers, some douchebag like you says "hurr durr it's not a spoiler".

fuck you too, I'm on season 4.

Thanks for the mad men spoiler in the picture on the main page, motherfuckers!