
I laughed too. Both times. Don sold it.

Yeah, on top of all the plot and character problems with the werewolves (as in: they exist,) in-universe I'm kinda not cool with all the murder the werewolves do. I'm not sure why it feels so jarring. Maybe because of how fast Friday Night Lights has moved on from the brutal and savage murder of her friends, including

Maybe, but the Bill and Eric timelines get mixed up in that too, which makes things quite icky.

I hated the idea of 'God' making Lilith in his image and the whole vampire bible schtick when it was introduced. However, I'm more than willing to go for it if it turns out "you know what? Lilith was just a super-old, super-powerful, super-delusional vampire, and the whole vampire religion is nothing but the worship

Ah, my college years.

Jaime and Jon Snow would have shared group scenes in S1E1 at Winterfell, but other than that, they're in different countries!

As long as I didn't imagine it, and it was actually once a thing that they made a conscious effort to ignore. Which invites the proposition that Vampire Bill now willingly chooses his sideburns.


The Buffy and Angel flashbacks were, for the most part, incredible. They took a throwaway character from the first season (Darla), and turned her and Angel's doomed romance into one of the most detailed, tortured, excellent plots on either show (particularly the latter.) Angel also had THE best flashback I've ever

I just kept thinking "man, those lab coats must be magically self-cleaning PVC, because there is NO soak through or spatters from the severed arm she's constantly pulling in and out of it."

I really enjoyed the interaction between Bill and Arlene - sometimes I wonder what it must be like on set for these actors who rarely appear at the same time, and so even though they've been work colleagues for 6 years don't really have that much to do with each other!

I think for me, the strongest part of this season so far has been the relative lack of wallowing, whether in fear, angst, pity, whatever. Which is odd now that I think about it, because Terry, Jessica, that girl from Friday Night Lights That Sam's Banging Who I Don't Think Is Important Enough To Learn Her Name - all

*sigh*. I would watch that.

I guess because they're immune to most diseases or something vampires have NO IDEA how to act around people with communicable diseases.

Give Willa a chance! Now that Nora's gone there's room for a perky dual-syllabic, a-suffixed brunette vampire with a give 'em hell attitude and a soft spot for vikings.

Didn't this show establish fairly early on that vampires couldn't change any physical properties about themselves? Not just bodily states like Jessica's resetting hymen, but that Vampire Bill has sideburns because he has to have sideburns, since he had them when he died?

I do love vampire deaths on this show. It's the one thing that's consistently impressed me. They're so over-the-top, so visceral, so… gooey. We may have had a gods-awful papier-mâché prop governor's head, but Nora's death rocked.

Agreed, I liked it too. Not for its 'realism' or 'character consistency' (of which it had neither,) but for its functional mea culpa - I interpreted it as the show going "oh yeah, actually, we were aiming for 'fun and ditzy' with Maggie, but instead we made a terrible manipulative friend who drags everyone down with

I think Tara took her, but I could be wrong.

I actually think it would be awesome if she was the have something to do with the creation of a new Vampire Authority type thing (or a peace accord or something.) Not through physical strength, but just by pointing out to everyone how stupid they are and why everybody else hates them (applicable to just about all