
But that's partially because that's all transgressed in like, 2 days, no?

I wonder if they've got a molten city full of potential dragonglass in Harrenhal?

He probably is. Because as film and television has shown us bisexuals are clearly sociopaths.

Ick. At you, not her.

Yes, the blond saviour who rescued the teeming hordes of dirty brown people from themselves was not an image I was able to watch without a pretty awkward grimace.

I wanted her to leave. It's hard to see how her staying is anything but selfish, and character-wise, her (understandable) petulance has been a bit tedious and a drag to watch - the opportunity for her to leave is probably the best possible outcome her character could ever hope to have received. And now I kind of want

This season has been sadly short on Varys. I was so pleased we got a scene.

@Cutlass12:disqus I was thinking Jon snow is definitely Sean Bean's son because of the arrows.

I hated the trip. I think it's such a cheap ploy when characters have coherent, extended dreams. It's not just Mad Men, it's any time in a show one of the characters sees a perfect reproduction of somebody and has a confused conversation with them that sorta makes sense but not quite. You know, when it's that 'is this

Jon Sn-ark?

In 'fairness' (seems a poor choice of words), we don't know how closely Tywin orchestrated this. The specifics could have been up to Bolton and Frey, and maybe Tywin will disown them because it brings his house into the gravest kind of disrepute?

That just seems even sadder coming from a Renly avatar.

That screamed "unnecessary future plot stalling" to me so loudly I physically winced as I watched it. It made absolutely no sense, no sense in the (any) world. Even the stupidest, most cowardly, most foolish person's instincts would be to pick up the weapon that just obliterated the hyper-powerful ice demon with one

I laughed alout at "It's a beautiful day for Sansa. She won't end up crying in front of the sea for once." Poor Sansa.

That would be terrible, @Crooked_Paul:disqus, because then they'd need a new actor (although they could pull a "the audience sees Maisey, but it switches when it's another character's POV".) I don't think they'd go that path, although I suppose Martin doesn't have the same restriction.

Knowledge is power. It was risky revealing how she truly felt to somebody she'd just met, who may use it against her. She could have said he was a monster in less emotional, more guarded way (which she tried to do at the start at least, unconvincingly.)

But if he was doing it because he thought they were double-crossing, why would he need the excuse of a fall? Why not just do them in once he gets to the top? If he was doing it for a reason, he was trying to do it covertly. I hope that was the case. If he was doing it "just because he's a dick" that's lazy writing, so

Maybe, but still. It's at least a li'l awkward, with all the incest and infanticide and what have you.

And unheterosexual ladies, bisexual men, and omnisexual others.
