

I just read through the last 21 hours of comments, and it seems no-one has yet raised this possibility: Shireen isn't dead. This seemed super-obvious to me watching it, but then, it was 3am and I was in a sleep-deprived stupor, so maybe I've just postponed the shock of it until next week.

Actually, I read it as the fact that she'd been with Tywin the whole time. Like, her entire relationship with Tyrion was a lie set up by Tywin. I probably misread that though - I remember thinking that seemed pretty implausible, I probably wasn't meant to interpret it that way.

I wondered the same. And then if the Vale was out, where exactly were they going? What was their relationship then? Was she with him voluntarily? What was her next plan? Why didn't she intervene with Brienne and him? I felt skipping all of this was a bit of a cop-out.

Oh good lords, dying on the throne! I'd never considered that!

I'm going to do a bit of bitching, but then hopefully rally around things I love about the show. It's and end-of-season cathartic vent:

And while we're at it - what happened to Rickon and Osha? Weren't they heading to the Castle Black like five or six years ago?

Yes, considering his brother has *survived* what he probably should not have been able to survive.

Why conflate the government with everything else about a country? There's nothing contradictory about loving some aspects of your country and hating the government/political process. What if you really liked In & Out Burger?

Most definitely. A cutesie little moment to shove them forward in the season finale.

Well get ready for the next one because SloaneDon is just around the corner. What, since he bought her book and all.

I assume it's tied into something Jim did in ignorance last week which triggered Maggie to do so. I thought it was pretty heavy-handed foreshadowing when Hallie was all 'FIGURE OUT THE MYSTERY!', and it's just the kind of inane pivotal relationship moment this show would end its season on (I like the show, hate the

What he said.

As an Australian, I find it's far more preferable because it keeps both major parties generally close to the centre trying to appeal to the masses, rather than going out on the fringe where their voter base is/the only people who care. We also have a system where minor parties are able to affect the outcome and

America didn't invent democracy (ancient or modern), and is not particularly famous for it. America's reputation is for liberty, which is arguably richly deserved, but that's most certainly not based on its modern political system. In fact, much of the world thinks your political process with its lobbying and

I was tranfixed by Jane Fonda's Venom suit.

I find it strangely endearing and oddly comforting that for the first time in ages, something in the plot stuck out to me as so glaringly stupid. Why oh why would they have left Lydia alone in the lab? I mean, sure they're not threatened by her, but when 'something's wrong' within 10 minutes of bringing someone to

Also, British = left-hand driving. I could imagine her not having a lot of right-handed American driving practice based in NY.

I feel I should speak in Sloane's defense - I only saw Titanic for the first time when it was re-released in 3D (I hate 3D but wanted to see it on the big screen) which is I think what she's talking about. For me it had uselessly pointed attempt to avoid it for 15 years because it was too popular back when it was

I remember reading the initial plan in Buffy (from Welcome to the Hellmouth) was to have vampires dress period-ish, but realising the constraints that made it was almost immediately abandoned. Then again in the very first shot of the series there's a 400 year old vampire wearing a schoolgirl outfit, so maybe my mind